Two for the Road
Oh, the joys of being spoiler-free!
First off, I need to apologize for missing the recap for the previous episode. Life got in the way. If you need a recap, you can read one that's far superior to anything I could do
at TWoP.
Well, the episode for the most part was pretty average. It picks up where the last one left off, with Kate and Jack finding Michael in the jungle. He's unconscious so they start carrying him back to the hatch.
In the hatch, Ana Lucia is fixing some mango bites for Henry. As she chops, we get a flashback. It's the day after she shot her shooter (heh), and AL's mother tells her she knows what she did. She asks her to get help, if not for her mother then because she needs to in order to continue being a cop. AL says she won't get help and quits the force.
Ana Lucia enters the armory to give Henry the mangoes and falls for the oldest trick in the book when he whispers and she leans in closer to him and he grabs her and tries to kill her. He comes pretty close, too. While he's strangling her, he tells her that he knows she killed 2 of his people (Goodwin and a woman who attacked the Tailies early on the beach) and that she's basically no good. Locke sneaks up behind Henry and bonks him unconscious with his crutch and saves AL.
We flashback again and now AL is working security at an airport. I'm not sure how safe that makes me feel. She gets off work and of course heads to an airport bar. Who should she run into there but Jack's dad! We'll call him Dr. Dad for short. Dr. Dad is on his way to Australia. He chats AL up and asks her to join him. He says he'll be up to something dangerous while he's there and he'd like AL to work for him as "protection". They decide to not use their real names and to call each other "Sarah" and "Tom".
Back at the hatch, Locke goes in to see Henry. He asks him why he attacked AL but didn't attack Locke when he was stuck under the blast door and vulnerable. Henry tells Locke it's because he's "one of the good ones" and that he in fact was on his way to get Locke and take him back to wherever he lives when he got caught in Rousseau's net. He's such a liar. Or is he?
Out in the jungle, Sawyer's picking mangos, wisely avoiding the Keith Richards Method of Picking Tropical Fruit, when Ana Lucia approaches him and asks for a gun. What do you think he said? Yep, a big, fat NO.
It's flashback time again and now AL is in Australia. It's the middle of the night and Dr. Dad knocks on her hotel room door. It's time to do what he came here to do and he needs AL to take him somewhere. It should be mentioned that Dr. Dad is also Dr. Very Drunk at this point. They drive to a house in the pouring rain and Dr. Dad knocks on the door. A blonde Australian woman answers the door. They argue and Dr. Dad demands to see his daughter (!). The woman refuses so he starts to get violent. AL gets him back to the car and drives away.
So Jack's father has an illegitimate Australian daughter. Who has a blonde mother. My first thought: Claire is Jack's half sister. Any takers?
Elsewhere, Hurley wants to do something romantic for Libby so he goes to Sayid for help. He wants to do the John Cusack thing with the radio, from Say Anything, but Sayid suggests it might be a better idea to take Libby for a picnic to this nice secluded beach he once took Shannon to. Oh, and Sayid is digging a big hole in the sand.
Saywer is finished mango picking and as he's walking back through the jungle he catches AL following him. She asks for the gun again, they tussle as she tries to take it and the tussling turns into some hot jungle sex.
Flashback: AL and Dr. Dad are still driving in the car. AL stops and asks him what the hell is goin on. He says it's a long story. He also says they are both running away from something. They are parked in front of a bar and he asks her to go in with him. She firmly tells him no and that this is where they part ways. As Dr. Dad gets out of the car, he hits Sawyer with the car door. I'm going to assume that this is the bar where we previously saw the doctor meet Sawyer, on the night of his death.
Back on the island, Sawyer and AL are finished with the hot sex. She tells him that if he tells anyone about what they did, she'll kill him. Believe her, Sawyer, she will. She returns to the hatch, where Jack asks her where she got the bump on her head. Locke covers for her and tells Jack it was his fault. Something about leaving a wet floor in the bathroom. TMI, John!
Meanwhile, Michael wakes up and tells Jack, Kate and Locke a story about how he found the Others, that they're primitive, live in tents, have only two guns and can be easily taken. He is so lying. I can't believe they fell for that. Especially after Kate saw the costume and fake beard. Anyway, later on, Jack, Kate and Locke leave the hatch, leaving Ana to watch over a sleeping Michael and the locked up Henry.
Hurley and Libby get lost looking for Sayid's beach and end up back at their own beach, with Jin fishing nearby. Libby says that's alright, they can still have the picnic right there. Hurley, however, is not the best picnic planner and brought no blankets and nothing to drink. Libby says she'll go get some blankets and Hurley can go get some wine from Rose and Bernard.
Jack, Locke and Kate ask Sawyer for the guns and he hands them over. Yeah, right. Why Jack didn't just tell him about Michael, his story about the Others, their plan to fight them and get Walt and the children back, I don't know. Whatever. Jack pulls his gun on Sawyer but when Sawyer goes to get his gun out, he realizes that Ana Lucia took it from him. Locke tells Jack there's something he needs to tell him about that bump on AL's head.
We're down in the hatch now, and Ana enters the armory. She gives Henry a knife and tells him to cut himself loose and stand up. She points a gun at him...and we flash back to Ana at the airport in Australia. She calls her mother and apologizes for running away and tells her she wants to come home. She tells her mother she'll be on Oceanic Flight 815.
When we come back to Ana she's not in the armory but sitting on the couch outside of it, with the gun in her hand. Michael wakes up and asks her what's wrong. She tells him they have an Other captive and that he tried to kill her; she tried to kill him back, but she just couldn't do it. In fact, she says, "I can't do this anymore." Michael says the Others are animals and that he'll do it for her. She hands over the gun. He asks her for the combination to the armory, where Henry is being held. He looks at her, says "I'm sorry" and shoots her! Dead! Two seconds later Libby walks in with the blankets and surprises Michael and he whips around and shoots her! Twice! Then he walks into the armory, looks at Henry, points the gun at himself and fires.
My jaw was hanging open for a good 10 minutes after that.
I initially thought that Michael had shot himself in the heart, but the previews for next week show him with his arm in a sling. I'm thinking that it looks like he was sent back to do whatever was necessary to free Henry, to make it look like Henry got free, shot the women and Michael and then escaped. If that's so, why would Michael do it? Did the Others promise him Walt if he did it? I have a hard time accepting that Michael would shoot two people in cold blood, not even for Walt. I think he was brainwashed, or it's some kind of mind control or maybe even the "sickness" they talk about. Michael was clearly horrified by what he had done, but I don't think that rules out mind control. He could have been programmed to do what he did but was unable to stop himself.
Whatever the reason, it was awesome.
I don't think Libby is dead. At least not yet. I may be naïve, but I believe that Michelle Rodriguez was going to be killed off whether she had the DUI or not. I wouldn't put it past the show to have Libby as collateral damage and name the episode "Two for the Road" just to mess with our minds. I think it's important that we saw Libby holding those blankets (and whatever else she might have grabbed) in front of her stomach like that - you could see the two bullet holes in the blankets. She was definitely shot, but I think that what she was holding in front of her may have lessened the impact and she wasn't mortally wounded like AL. I believe they are still going to resolve her connection with Hurley. How they will deal with her knowing about what Michael did, I'm not sure. Maybe she will be unconscious for the rest of the season, while Michael leads the group into a trap.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. ;)
Oh, and one more thing - the Hanso Foundation commercial. How weird was that? For those of you who aren't aware, there is now an online interactive game to be played in conjunction with the show. The commercial provided a phone number that, when you call in, will give you a password. Once you have the password, you need to visit the Hanso Foundation website and sign up for the newsletter and see what happens.
Phone number: 1-877-HANSORG
Hanso FoundationMake sure to visit Joop's Corner.
Next new episode: this Wednesday at 9:00 PM.