I don't have time for a full recap just yet, but I did want to get something on here about last night's series finale of Alias.
Just a few random thoughts:
~ While I was certainly entertained, I thought the whole thing felt sort of slapdash, that it had a "thrown together" feeling. I think they had to cut some stuff in between to make it fit into 2 hours. But I understand that they had a lot to resolve in a short amount of time and I think they did a pretty good job. Plus I think it will hold together better on a second viewing. I didn't tape it, but I will be downloading it from iTunes and burning it to CD.
~ I really, really loved the music.
~ I guess The Cardinal storyline was finished last week. I appreciate that they wanted to not leave that thread hanging, but they could have at least connected it to Rambaldi. Oh well. I did feel badly for Tom. At least The Cardinal storyline gave some weight to his death. He and Rachel were cute together.
~ They really sent Irina all the way over to EVIL, didn't they? Man. Nice tie back to the conversation about choosing to be a good mother or a good spy - at the end when Sydney reaches out to her, literally, Irina chooses world domination and dies for it.
~ So that ball was The Horizon. Wasn't The Horizon shaped like a small book when they took it from the safe deposit box in Vancouver, and not like a sphere? Maybe what they got in Vancouver was a "How To Build Your Own Horizon In 10 Easy Steps" guide.
~ The flashbacks did a nice job of anchoring the story.
~ How awesome was it when the show opened with the location "SYDNEY"?
~ A part of me has known all long that they were going to kill Jack, so I should have been more prepared for it. I mean, I was waiting for it to happen, but I was not emotionally prepared for it. Jesus Christ, I was bawling! "You beat death, Arvin, but you didn't beat me." NO! SonOfABitch. Now what will happen when they ("they" being Syd/CIA people) find that Jack has disappeared? He's gone, there's no body...will they think to look down in the tomb? If they do, they'll discover that it's been blown up...won't they excavate and find Sloane? God, I'm way over-thinking this!
Anyhoo, I did like the end; although, truth be told, I would have sacrificed Vaughn to see Sydney walking along the beach with her baby and her father. It's a personal thing, but for me, this show has always at its core been about Sydney's relationship with her father (and by extension her mother), and not a romance. But that's a small quibble. I think they did a pretty good job. At making me CRY.
One more thing. It may at times seem like we have all the time in the world, but no one really does. So remember to make the most of yours.
I downloaded it last night and burned it to CD. Sure you can borrow it, but I'm fairly sure you can only play it on your computer.
It was all worth it for Sloane's "Twilight Zone-y" fate-worse-than-death. I had nightmares imagining the horror of that existence. No one deserves it more. Magnifico!
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