OK, so, we start off with the big reveal of the ginormous audience all spazzing out as Ryan welcomes everyone to the Kodak. Hey, there's Mandy Moore! And is that Ben Stiller hiding in the corner? Oo, he looks like he's got manorexia! Not good.
Anyhoo, the performers will sing 3 songs each: 2 that we've already heard them sing this season and their Idol coronation song.
Katharine's up first, singing "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree". Good, I liked this one. She stands and does a sort of a goofy dance with her drummer guys and does a good job. Not a stunner, but good. The judges feel pretty much the same way.
Taylor sings "Living For the City" from Stevie Wonder week in a ghastly purple velvet jacket. Despite that sartorial disaster - hey! Taye Diggs! - Taylor rocks the house and wins that round.
Next, Katharine repeats her best performance, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", and I think she does even better. Exhale, gina. She makes me so nervous. She can be both brilliant and horrifyingly bad within the same performance. This time she nails it.
Taylor sings "Levon" and to tell the truth I can barely remember it. The camera pans the audience and we see Kellie, and Chris, and there's Lisa, and hi Bucky and -- freakin' Constantine. Did you see his Smeagol-ly face mugging for the camera? What is he doing there? Why won't he go away? God, he is such a TOOL.
At this point in the show, I'm thinking they're about even. Now we get to hear the dreaded coronation songs, and this is where it all falls apart for Katharine. First of all "My Destiny" is possibly the worst song ever written for the show, and that's saying something. Making matters worse, however, is it is dreck that was written for a completely different type of singer than Kat. It's just horrible. She looks SO uncomfortable, like she knows this is the suckiest of the suck and she just wants to go back to her dressing room and cry and be surrounded by her thousand roses.
"Do I Make You Proud" is Taylor's coronation song, and while it is only marginally less sucky than Katharine's, he is a performer such that he can squeeze something good out of it and that's what gives him the edge tonight. Simon declares him the unofficial winner and the place goes bonkers.
Daniel Powter comes out, misses his cue, and finally starts to sing "Bad Day" along with a video montage from the season. Every time they show Elliot, I clap a little. How gay am I?
Tonight, in Ryan's words, is the "2 hour results spectacular!" TA DA! And tomorrow I get my life back.
Sorry for the bad grammar, I'm rushing!
This makes the second week in a row that Kat was blamed for a song she had no voice in choosing. When they say to Kat, "You were great, but I didn't like the song" I am amazed she doesn't projectile vomit all over them. I'm so glad she had the guts last week to say, "I didn't pick it!" This week it would have been ungracious to say it again, I suppose.
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