It's an alternate reality web game that was kicked off, as I'm sure you know, in May, with a commercial advertising the Hanso Foundation that gave us a phone number to call and a website to visit. Every week brings new information for the player - a website, a puzzle or even an impossibly obscure hexadecimal code to decrypt.
I'm not going to recap the entire game so far - too much time has passed for that to be a reasonable option - but I thought I would list some of the website URLs we have been given so far, as well as links to a couple of sites that you can use as walkthroughs when you are stumped. (and yes, I use them! a lot!)
The game is begun by calling 1-877-HANSORG (426-7674). Listen to the recording to get a password (you may need to call a few times before you get it) and then go to the main site and find a place to plug it in.
The main site for the game is
Here are the sites that have been created for the game and that will yield clues and or passwords for you to use at the main Hanso site:
Here are some Guides, Walkthroughs and Tools:
Most helpful to me has been a walkthrough I found by going to When you go to this site, an old Hanso Foundation home page will load. Click on "ACCESS DISABLED INDEFINITELY" and you'll be brought to a Hanso walkthrough. You have no idea how happy I was when I found this! There are clues hidden so deep in some of these sites that there is no way I would have found them on my own.
I believe new information is released on Wednesdays. I've only played through last week, so I need to do some catching up.
If you're playing, please feel free to discuss in the comments.
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