Remember that the next time you're marooned on a creepy desert island. Hey, you never know.
Because I'm over a week late with this, it won't be a recap of LOST's fantastically fantastic season finale. You all have probably either re-watched it or read other recaps by now. If not, head over to
TWoP or
TVGasm. Or both.
Instead, I thought I'd take a look at some of the new information, as well as some new questions. Alwasy new questions with this show.
Live Together, Die AloneAlot of the new information, or answers to questions, came to us in Desmond's flashback. BTW, I think Desmond's my new favorite character. He's cute, he's got a Scottish accent and he's such a romantic. And I like his hair long.
From Desmond we learned:

Desmond spent time in a military prison and was dishonorably discharged. He was/is in love with Penny Widmore, the daughter of Charles Widmore of Widmore Industries, which is in cahoots in some way with the Hanso Foundation.

Desmond's favorite book that he's never read but carries everywhere with him is Charles Dickens' "Our Mutual Friend", a story about two lovers, a large inheritance and mistaken identity.

When he was shipwrecked on the island, Desmond was sailing in a race that was sponsored by Widmore, in a boat given to him by
Libby. Whoa! She tells Desmond that the boat had belonged to her recently departed husband David. Is it just a coincidence that Hurley's imaginary friend was named Dave and that Hurley and Libby were in the institution together? Is Libby a Hanso employee? Was she setting Desmond up? Oh, and I gathered that Desmond did not take Widmore's cash because otherwise he would have been able to buy a boat himself.

So, remember Kelvin? Desmond's dead roommate and fellow button-pusher? Kelvin was Sayid's torture trainer! Clancy Brown! Apparently he signed up to work for the DHARMA Initiative after leaving the military and was sent to the island to push the button. Or at least that's the story he gave Desmond. It was him who fixed Desmond's boat and he died accidentally when Desmond pushed him in a fight over it.

The blast door map was drawn in liquid detergent - which, it seems, glows in black light - by Kelvin's former roommate, Radzinski, and was being updated by Kelvin after Radzinski blew his own brains out. They lowered the blast doors by hotwiring something.
From the present day Island:

Remember the pneumatic tube in the Pearl Station that the observers of Swan Station were using to send their notes off to whoever was observing them? Jack, et al came across a very large pile of cylinders with notebooks in them, all apparently ignored. It seems the Pearl Station was the experiment, not the Swan Station. Also, Sawyer found Locke's little copy of the blast door map in the pile. I wonder if that will have any significance next season.

Henry Gale appears to be the leader of the Others. Was Henry talking about himself when he spoke of "Him"?

The button
does do something. I'm so glad they resolved this. It was getting a little old. Pushing the button vents a built-up electromagnetic charge before it becomes dangerous. When the codes are not entered in time, an EM anomaly occurs that results in things like flying cutlery and dumbbells and planes falling from the sky.

Yes, Desmond caused the plane crash. After killing Kelvin, he didn't make it back to the hatch before the countdown hit zero. Shit started hitting the fan (and the walls) and Des eventually got the codes entered, but not before the system failure caused the plane to crash on the island.
Some quick questions:
- What the heck was that bird? I thought it was a pterodactyl or something, but it had feathers. And it did sound to me like it said Hurley's name.
The weirdest moment with the best line: "I don't know which is more disturbing: that the rest of the statue is missing or that the foot only has 4 toes."- What do the Others want with Kate, Jack and Sawyer?
- What was that look that passed between Jack and Kate right before the hoods were pulled over their heads?
- What will happen to Walt and Michael? Actually, I'm not so sure I care too much about that.
- What happened to Eko, Locke and Desmond? The three coolest characters on this show had better not be dead. Charlie survived, but they were at ground zero. I don't think they are dead, but they must have been affected in some way. Charlie was behaving very strangely when he joined the rest of the group on the beach, way too cavalier.
- How will having 2 boats (the Elizabeth and her dinghy) affect things next year?
- What about the vaccine and quarantine? Is it all fake? Then what about Rousseau's crew?
Who were those Portugese guys at the end? Where were they? Antarctica? How did Penny know to look for an EM anomaly when looking for Desmond? I totally thought the guy in the orange coat was Matthew Fox in makeup
Just one more thing. When Desmond used the fail safe key to shut down the EM system thingy, Henry Gale did not look surprised or like he didn't know what was happening. He looked pissed:

If you have any thoughts or theories you'd like to share, or if there were things I missed that you want to discuss, please comment. And apologies for the delay!
I thought of something else re: Henry and the button.
Henry told Locke he did not push the button when Locke was pinned under the blast door, but we now know that he must have or there would have been a system failure. Henry is indirectly responsible for Locke's disbelief in the button - why would he want that? What purpose does it serve? Is it just a power/psychological test of wills thing for him? And if he was trying to convince them to NOT push the button, why was he so angry when the EM 'blast' occurred? Using the fail safe key must produce a different result than entering the codes and pushing the button. Are they button-pushers not supposed to know about the fail-safe?
I think Widmore is dead and Penny had access to his journals or documents regarding the experiments. Or, perhaps she knew about them all along and just wanted to test Desmond as well. At any rate, she must be in her inheritance to be able to afford guys in a plane flying around the globe looking for a surge in an EMF. I agree, it looked like they were flying over a pole...probably the south pole, eh?
The statue reminded me of Tolkien's world and also Jason and the Argonauts.
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