I'm totally jazzed about there being a prior generation (for lack of a better word) of Heroes that most likely include Linderman, Hiro's father and Mrs. Petrelli. I can't wait to find out more about them: What are their powers? How many of them are there? What went wrong? It's interesting that Linderman's gift is healing, a gift that could really make a positive change in people's lives, yet he is so obviously evil. I wonder to what purpose he's actually used it? Healing his henchman after a big tussle?
I knew that Peter wasn't going to die, and I was just waiting for Claire to pull that piece of glass out of his head, but I have to say that I really liked the scene where Nathan comes into the room and sees his body. See, he's not all bad. He does seem to have taken Linderman up on his proposal, though, doesn't he?
Speaking of Linderman's proposal, what do you think he wants Micah for? Fixing voting machines, perhaps?
When Mohinder knocked on the Petrelli's door with Peter's body and I saw that cab in the background I couldn't believe he brought the body in a TAXI! Then I remembered that his father, Suresh, was working as a cab driver when he was killed so it's probably his car. Whew.
Poor Isaac. Actually, I don't feel that badly for him, since he was never a favorite of mine, but it still sucks to be crucified to the floor with paintbrushes and then have the top of your head cut off and your brain removed. I'm glad he completed an entire edition of his comic book before dying because I'd really miss his paintings. Do you think he sent it to his publisher? If so, will it be published before the bomb goes off so Hiro can see it? I'm dying to know how came to figure out how to kill Sylar.
The Bennett/Parkman/Ted escape was cool and now they're all headed to NYC, too. Any ideas on what the "tracking system" is? It was neat seeing them sitting in the same diner where Hiro met Charlie. Poor Charlie.
Here's a question I read at another blog, and it's something I don't like to think about: Why is Future Hiro always alone? Where's Future Ando?
And on a shallow note: Peter actually looked hot with that hair off of his face. Well done, Sylar!
Next week takes place completely in the future. Awesome!
"Peter actually looked hot with that hair off of his face. Well done, Sylar!"
Best line of the week! I cannot speak from a hotness point of view, I can only speak from a lock-of-hair-getting-on-my-nerves point of view. So, well done, Sylar! (But I still won't forgive you for that cute waitress)
Charlie was cute. She would have made a great addition to the show
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