OK, what's with all of these good episodes? This one had its share of LOST's patented shocker moments, which I loved, but I think what made "D.O.C." a great episode is the emotional weight it carried. And I think that's true of almost all of the Sun/Jin episodes, which are some of my favorites. The actors share a great chemistry and for some reason the episodes which feature them always seem to be thematically tight and well-written.
That was quite the bomb that Naomi (the parachutist) dropped at the end there, huh? No survivors of flight 815? That could mean anything at this point - "fake" wreckage was found with no bodies/dead bodies, the real wreckage was found with the real dead bodies and our cast is in Purgatory, or she's a big fat liar - and so I hope they start to provide some explanation sooner, rather than later. What's with the different languages she could speak? Where did she think she was landing/crashing? According to Lostpedia, and contrary to what Mikhail told Desmond, she did not say "thank you" - she said, "I am not alone". Who is she with? Why would Mikhail lie? I'm telling ya, he knew about her and the helicopter...
And speaking of Mikhail!! WTF? Wasn't he just dead? Did he fake his death somehow? Was he only "mostly dead"? Did the island heal him? Did he just happen to stumble upon Desmond, etc., or did he come running when the flare went off? Was he expecting to find Naomi? Did he (and by association, the Others) know that Naomi was coming? He's certainly hiding something. (no kidding, gina) Did anyone else (besides Holly) notice that he was grabbing his coveralls when he was running from Jin when they first chased him? What was that all about?
I'm liking Juliet more every week, and I was so happy to hear her say "I hate you" to Benry, even though the tape recorder was shut off. I'm looking forward to the day when she tells him to his face but for now, it's enough to know that she's doing his bidding reluctantly.
Sun is so beautiful, isn't she? "D.O.C." stands for date of conception, and if Juliet is to be believed, and I do believe her, Sun's baby was conceived after the crash, 53 days ago. This means the baby is Jin's, and not from her affair with the bald hotel guy. The scene where Sun finds out that the baby is Jin's was amazing. She is stuck in the middle of her own Catch-22: If she conceived before she got to the island, the baby would not be Jin's but she would survive; but if the baby was conceived on the island, and was Jin's (as she hoped), then neither mother nor child would survive the pregnancy. As the flashback so beautifully illustrated, Sun's deep love for Jin drives her to protect him from shame and hurt to the point that she is filled with joy at hearing the news that the Jin is the father, even thought it means that she has perhaps only two months to live (no!).
OK, the elephant in the room: Why hasn't anyone raised the issue of abortion? I know it's a touchy subject, but it really should be addressed one way or another. Can they save the lives of the mothers by terminating the pregnancy? Or is it already too late for them once they have concieved?
I understand, on the surface of things, why Jack would be asking Sun so mysteriously about how she was feeling - he knows about the pregnant women dying and he's concerned for Sun but doesn't want her to know he's concerned - but I'm still getting a weird vibe from him. I swear he's not himself and is operating under some weird Other mojo.
If the island increases the male sperm count by so much, do you think Kate could be pregnant after her unprotected trysts with Sawyer? Juliet mentioned in her recorded message to Benry that she was working on getting samples from the other women, including Austin.
Hey, check this out...from Lostpedia's recap: "Sun goes to her father's office. As she approaches her father in a meeting, one of his men is reporting that they have not yet received the fake construction permit. Mr. Paik comments that the Hanso Foundation is upset because the Paik Heavy Industries did not provide them with some equipment. That wasn't translated onscreen was it? If it was, I totally missed it! I won't speculate too much on what a connection between Sun's father and Hanso could mean since in all likelihood this is just a fun Easter Egg the writers planted for us to find.
And finally, the hottest Scottish/Peruvian castaway on the island:
"OK, what's with all of these good episodes?"
I think those of us who are not turncoats are being rewarded (amply) for our faith in the show!
I firmly believe they're not in Purgatory or Hell or anything like that, but that's just because it's too easy. Also, I've avoided all Lost message boards because I want to avoid all speculation -- I love surprises -- but I can't help but wonder: If Desmond had not saved Charlie, would that have been Penny under the helmet, instead of someone who was sent by her? And is her story about the bodies also a consequence of the McFly-like time-meddle?
"And speaking of Mikhail!! WTF? Wasn't he just dead? Did he fake his death somehow?"
Mikhail is a big liar-pants. And I assumed he was grabbing his coveralls because he was stashing his iPhone.
"I'm liking Juliet more every week"
Me, too... But Im worried that she and Jack have a secret!
Sun is so beautiful, isn't she?
SO beautiful! Hard to believe she's from Staten Island!
"Can they save the lives of the mothers by terminating the pregnancy?"
I'm sure they can, but a woman who lives on the island and chooses to become pregnant (except Sun) has clearly made her choice, hasn't she? I mean, why would one of the Hostiles get pregnant, only to get an abortion? Each time one of them hits the O.R., Juliet truly believes she can save them, right?
"I'm still getting a weird vibe from him. I swear he's not himself and is operating under some weird Other mojo."
See above: his secret with Juliet. Also, he's not a very good liar. And as Damon and Carlton hilariously pointed out on the podcast, he's actually a terrible doctor when you think about it. He patches people up well, but every person he operates on suffers dire consequences!
"I won't speculate too much on what a connection between Sun's father and Hanso could mean since in all likelihood this is just a fun Easter Egg the writers planted for us to find."
According to the Lost Experience, the Paik company made one of the ships for Dharma... just as we've seen on the show that Penny's dad makes all the assorted Dharma tchotchkes. But I think you're right, it's not sinister, just fun.
"I firmly believe they're not in Purgatory or Hell or anything like that, but that's just because it's too easy. Also, I've avoided all Lost message boards because I want to avoid all speculation -- I love surprises -- but I can't help but wonder: If Desmond had not saved Charlie, would that have been Penny under the helmet, instead of someone who was sent by her? And is her story about the bodies also a consequence of the McFly-like time-meddle?"
I absolutely agree with you, Mike, that they are not in Purgatory or Hell. And if you check out my post above for "The Brig", you'll see I am definitely leaning toward the "time-meddle" theory.
I am now splitting from myself on the time-meddle theory... I still think that the time-meddle made it not be Penny... but there is another possiblility. It's possible the plane and bodies that were found were put there by Mittelos (or whoever is backing Benry) to stop search and rescue efforts, so the island wouldn't be discovered. It would be the most sinister, least science-fictiony explanation, which is usually the way LOST goes. :-)
I love this show!!!
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