I was admiring my new camera and thinking about how lucky I was to be able to get such cool stuff for myself when I realized that I actually had a pretty good year as far as cool things go.
Eight Cool Things That Made My Life Easier And/Or More Enjoyable In 2007
1. iPod Nano - Yep, I finally got one and my yard work experience has been completely transformed. And if I remember correctly, it's also great for the treadmill. Which brings me to...
2. ...the treadmill. Sheila got a nice Nordic Trac in the summer and I was really doing well, using it 3 or 4 times a week, and feeling better. Then my attention was diverted a few months ago and I haven't been on it since. I've been saying every day for the past week that I have got to get back on it, but I haven't done it yet. Maybe tonight...
3. A new laptop. Technically, I bought it in December of 2006, but I certainly reaped its benefits throughout the year. It absolutely transformed my ability to blog about TV. And if I find a recipe online that I like, I don't have to print it out - just bring the computer into the kitchen.
4. My new TV, a 40" Sony Bravia HDTV. So, so pretty.

5. The DVR. Pausing live TV, setting a 'season pass'...if something makes it easier to watch TV, I'm all for it.
6. My new car, a 2007 Honda CRV. I loved my Ford Ranger, but after 9 years of driving a rear-wheel drive pickup truck in the snow, the AWD CRV is an absolute dream. And it's pretty, too.

7. Our new kitchen. A pleasure to cook in and with that new hole in the wall, I don't have to miss any TV!

8. Finally, I want to mention a cool thing I discovered last year that I didn't have to spend any money on (damn, I spent a lot of money last year!): Actually, it's two things. Hulu and Joost brought television to the Internet in a real, usable way. Very cool.
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