The first is LOST Missing Pieces. Remember those "mobisodes" they talked about last year? Well, that's what these are, and I really enjoyed them. There are ten episodes that are about 3 minutes long that look at character interactions that we haven't seen before and fill in some gaps, going all the way back to the crash. In case you're wondering if they're worth watching: they show Michael make his deal to get off the island, more evidence of Walt's special ability, Juliet tell Jack why she came back to the beach with him, Michael and Sun getting close with each other...really great stuff.

The other site I wanted to tell you about is Find815.com, a flash/alternate reality game, sort of - or maybe it's just an interactive web-based story - where you follow the story of a guy who worked for Oceanic Air and whose girlfriend died in the crash. At the start of the story, you find out that he's been fired for bad-mouthing Oceanic and has signed up on a salvage ship that is looking for the Black Rock, which, btw, was captained by Magnus Hanso when it shipwrecked so long ago...and that's just from clicking on the picture of the laptop. You can find related information at FlyOceanicAir.com.
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