
Idol Top 8: Results

Idol Gives Back finishes up tonight, and Ryan says that so far, IGB has raised over $60 million. That's great.

Unlike last year, no one gets a breather this week, and someone will be sent packing tonight. I think. That Ryan is a sneaky one, you know.

The Bottom 3 are, as I predicted: Carly, Syesha and Michael

After short speeches from Bono, Clinton, McCain and Obama, Ryan gives us the results:

Wow. Ryan must be kidding, right? He's being sneaky, right? In the first really disappointing elimination of the season for me, Michael Johns is sent home. But he has an awesome singout and gets major props and hugs from the judges, something you don't usually see. Or at least it's something I've never seen. Wow. That sucks.

Here's Michael's best moment, one more time:


Anonymous said...

Today is a very sad day for me. I don't know if I can continue to watch. I am shocked.

J said...

I agree with Mary - this is ridiculous. America sucks at this voting process...god help us in the fall!!!

ps - he reminds me of the lead singer from Train

gina said...

I agree with you both - America sucks. Anyone who appeals to someone older than a teenage girl doesn't stand a chance on this show. I bet the finale will be David Archuleta and Kristy Lee Cook. Blech.

You know what I did the other night? I downloaded Michael's song from Dolly night from iTunes, as well as Brooke's Let it Be.