I Am Become DeathFun Fact: Upon witnessing the first test of a nuclear bomb(
Trinity), Oppenheimer was reminded of a line from Hindu scripture:
I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.So, am I the only one not feeling the love anymore? I have not ranted here about all the ways that I think this show is losing it and just adding new heroes so we don't notice that they're doing the same freaking story arc every season, or about the stupidity of the characters -- wait, maybe I did talk about that a little - but all of that has certainly been on my mind. My point is I am not enjoying this show nearly as much as I used to. At all. I'm trying to keep an open mind, so I'm going to give this recap thing one more shot. If the show pisses me off again next week, I'm done. I'll still watch and will occasionally post about something I might find notable in an episode, or if the writers actually come up with something good, but these recaps are a lot of work and, well, the thrill is just about gone.
This episode was all over the place, so we'll break it up into Present and Future. Here we go:
Mohinder is still molting and the power injection he gave himself is also making him more aggressive, which scares Maya away. Yay! He then takes his aggression out on an upstairs neighbor who beats his wife by beating the crap out of him. He realizes that giving himself that injection was probably a mistake. Oh, you think?
Parkman is still in Africa. His cute African friend sets him up with some psychic goop and a set of headphones (huh?) and he gets Isaac-y white eyes and sees his future. He's living with Daphne (married?) in that same nasty-ass NY apartment with Molly and a baby that I assume is theirs. But I'm getting ahead of myself...
Dr. Zimmerman tells Tracy that she is one of a set of identical triplets - Nikki, Tracy and Barbara (?) - who were given powers via DNA manipulation by order of a nameless Company. It has a name, but I bet the Haitian made Dr. Z forget. Tracy is distraught when she returns to DC and tries to call the police and turn herself in for the murder of the (Greatest American) reporter but she's so upset she freezes the phone. Meanwhile, Nathan is setting up his new office in DC while Linderman's ghost hovers around nagging him about his "path" to the Presidency. Tracy comes to Nathan's office to tender her resignation, says she "can't do this anymore" and leaves. Linderman tells Nathan that he has to save her, that it's all a part of his path. So as Tracy is about to jump to her death from a bridge, Nathan swoops in and catches her. Later (at his apartment?), Tracy shows her icy powers to Nathan who is all Hell Yeah and they kiss. I like these two kids together, they have great chemistry.
OK, now for the FUTURE.
This is going to get ugly.
Future Peter (FP) teleports with Present Peter (PP) from the bank job to 4 years hence. FP tells PP that he needs to fix the future because he (FP) is too dumb to travel back in time and fix it without royally screwing the timeline. Well, at least he can recognize his faults. FP says that in this future everyone has powers because someone invented a formula that would bestow powers on anyone who wanted them. Why is that bad? He wasn't clear on that, I don't think. Something about people causing earthquakes or something.
Allow me to digress a bit here and say that you know how Milo V. is at best a mediocre actor even when he has other, better actors to play against? Imagine how bad he is in this scene where has to act with himself. GAH!
FP tells PP he has to find Sylar, whose power will help him to see how forces in the past work together to create the future and how he can prevent it. Just then Claire shows up and shoots FP, who dies because The Haitian is there suppressing his healing ability. PP gets away.
He goes to Mohinder's lab to get Sylar's location. Mohinder's all monster-y and hiding under a hoodie in the shadows. And he makes a funny rattlesnake-ish sound. He tells PP he can find Sylar at the Bennett house in Costa Verde.
Evil Claire, together with Daphne and Knox, are after Peter. Daphne convinces Matt to let her use Molly to find Peter.
Peter goes to the Costa Verde house and finds Sylar - who now calls himself Gabriel, his given name - has set up house there. And he has a son! Named Noah! And there isn't a Bennett in sight. Peter wants his power but Gabriel tells him that with the knowledge of how things work also comes the hunger for other people's power. Peter ultimately convinces him to give him his power anyway. Then Claire, Daphne and Knox show up and there's a fight and little Noah gets killed. Gabriel goes nuclear, literally, destroying all of Costa Verde and over 200,000 people. Except, inexplicably, Claire, Peter, Knox and Daphne all survive. Claire holds Peter prisoner in a morgue, with The Haitian in the room to keep Peter from using his powers.
[Oops - my friend Holly pointed out to me that I forgot an important scene. Daphne did survive the blast, but only long enough to return injured to Matt and Molly and the baby in the NY apartment. She tried to run away from the blast, but she was "too slow" and the blast caught her from behind. She falls into Matt's arms and dies, just like in the African's painting. Thanks for keeping me honest, Hol!]
Nathan is President in this future, and Tracy is his First Lady (and she wears some amazing sunglasses!). As Claire is about to torture and kill Peter, Nathan shows up. He tells everyone, including The Haitian, to leave the room. Nathan tells Peter that because of the bad things being caused by everyone having powers he has had to create a special army of power-possessing people. This gets Peter all riled up and he loses control and tries to tin-can Nathan. He stops himself before he kills Nathan, however, and teleports out of there.
Hiro and Ando are being held in a cell on Level 2 of the Company. I'd have to assume that The Haitian is nearby, otherwise they would be able to teleport out of there instead of trying to escape through the A/C vent. My assumption is proven correct when The Haitian catches them trying to escape and brings them to Mrs. P. In an admittedly awesome scene, Mrs. P tells Hiro and Ando that she needs their help to fix the mess they made with the formula and they possess the key to the problem. Cut to Hiro and Ando digging up a grave. They open the coffin and there's Adam, who Hiro buried alive last season. He opens his eyes and says, "Hiro, you son of a b--!"