
ZOMG! Everyone's got a gun!

There's an official trailer for season 5 of LOST floating around out there! Disney has already blocked a few copies that have been uploaded to YouTube, so I'm not sure how long this one will be available. Watch it while you can!

Speaking of LOST, have you guys been playing along at DharmaWantsYou? I sort of lost track of what I was doing! I think I still have to take the final quiz. I'd better go do that soon.

And for those of you who are wondering, LOST doesn't come back until January 2009.


Anonymous said...

Boo hoo - the LOST video is gone already. I tried to take the last test yesterday, but I can't get the Dharma site to work.

Oh, and I'm glad to say I will be leaving tomorrow for 10 days at Disney so I will be away from all the election hype!! lol

gina said...

Aw, no way! I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere else. I don't understand why Disney would want to suppress the spread of the video. It only helps them in the end.

Have a great time on your vacation! I will be very happy when the election is over, too. Then we can get back to some good old-fashioned nonsense around here :)