I heard on
NPR the other night that
Berkley Breathed is retiring (again), and though I haven't read an Opus or Bloom County comic in many, many moons, the news made me so sad! Bloom County, along with The Far Side and Calvin & Hobbes, was part of a triumviarate of comics that I thought were so brilliant way back in the 80s. It had a sweetness and childlike innocence (and silliness), even as it skewered politics and pop culture, and I loved it so much.
I wonder if I still have my Bloom County collection books tucked away somewhere...
Gina, I'm also going to miss Opus. It's been one of my favorite strips over its 5-year run. I still have The Public Works To Laugh At though: www.PublicWorksComics.com
What a shame. I read him online once in a while, in the Washington Post. One of my alltime faves along with Ginas picks, and really old Doonesburys
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