I mean, when Claire shot the phone? I was like, "Claire! Nice! Use one of your 6 bullets to shoot a phone. You could have accomplished the same thing by unplugging it from the wall." And when Noah and Meredith had the Puppet Master, et al held at gunpoint, well, that really shouldn't have worked. Hello! He can physically control people with his mind!
The thing I have the hugest problem with, however, is Nathan's turn to the dark side. I know he's been walking the line between good and evil since the beginning, but his love for his brother has always led him to do the right thing. Not anymore, I guess. He was willing to leave Peter to burn to death in the Pinehearst fire. Contrast that with him willing to die as he flew away from NYC with Peter-the-Nuclear-Bomb at the end of the first season, and that's quite the turnaround. Yes, since that happened Peter did shoot and in fact kill him, so I can maybe understand the shift, but they didn't show us. Imagine how much more sense it would make if we heard Nathan saying something like, "Because you love me? Did you shoot me at that press conference and kill me because you loved me? I'm done, Peter. I'm done with you, with all of this. People with abilities are too powerful and cause too much damage in the world, and I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen anymore." That's all I would have needed, just a couple of sentences. I'm sure he will make a great Big Bad in the next chapter, and I'll be happy to see Adrian Pasdar featured more prominently, but I just wish it was written better.
Worf as the President, however? Cool beans! Also great: "Out of my way, Pikachu." Hee!
Another cool thing: Ando has a power! Uncool: His crummy power is to make everyone else's powers better. Once a sidekick, always a sidekick, I guess.
The only people I believe are truly dead: Knox, Blue Fire Hands Man, Puppet Master and his fellow prison posse guys. I am not convinced that we have seen the last of Sylar - in fact, I'm sure that we haven't - or Meredith, and maybe not even Arthur Petrelli (although I think he may actually be dead). I hope that Hiro cannot time travel again for a LONG time, possibly never. And I hope Tracy comes to her senses and ditches Mohinder at the first opportunity!
I am SO glad this chapter is finished. Do I think the next one will be better? No, not really. Will I tune in again, at the risk of being bitterly disappointed, AGAIN? Probably. But there is still a glimmer of hope and I'm not ready to let go completely.
Just be forewarned: If I am disappointed, I will not hesitate to complain, and complain loudly!
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