
ThisisGina's Advent Calendar: Day 7

This year's tree, originally uploaded by gina64.

Today is a busy day, with 2 parties, so I don't have time to do more than post a few photos.

This is our tree this year. It pretty much looks the same every year, but I still love to look at it. We always get a Fraser Fir. Helpful tip: pour boiling hot water into the tree stand the first time you water it. It helps to clear any sap that might be blocking the water from seeping into the trunk.

If you look closely at this photo, you can see the reflection of our living room in the silver ball (click through for a larger version at Flickr).

If you look closely, you can almost see me.

A Very Frawnch Christmas

Add the 2 inches of snow we got overnight, the Christmas music on the TV and the cup of hot chocolate I just had, and I'm feeling pretty damn festive this morning.

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