
Hey, X-Files Geeks - This remind you of anything?

Man found burned in apartment with no sign of fire: "Investigators are baffled as to how a man suffered second- and third-degree burns inside his apartment — even though the only sign of a fire was a candle in the bathroom. Knoxville Fire Department crews found the 56-year-old victim inside his apartment bathroom Monday afternoon with third-degree burns to his face and second-degree burns to his hands."

Here's a hint: Notice the pugilistic attitude of the corpse.


Anonymous said...

It makes me wonder if that man knew any insomniacs. ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope he recovers enough to explain it...

I am reading The Body Farm now, (book about forensics) and a pugilistic posture is normal for burn victims. In fact, if they are NOT in that type of posture it indicates they were bound before being burned...