It's time for my second annual "I Love and Hate My TV" posts, wherein I list all of the things that are on or related to the television that either pissed me off or made me very happy.
This year, I am happy to report that the "Hate" list is far shorter than than the "Love" one.
Things that made me hate my TV:
1. The death of Warrick on CSI. Was Gary Dourdan the best actor on the show? Absolutely not. Was he smokin' hot and lovely to look at and incredibly cool? AbsoLUTEly. I guess if I'm going to hate anyone for this, it's Gary Dourdan. Dude, get your act together and come back to my TV.
Things that made me hate my TV:

2. CNN's lame election night "hologram".
First off, it's not a hologram. Second, she's not reporting from the field but from inside a tent, surrounded by cameras. And she doesn't appear to Wolf - he's talking to thin air. My only question: WHY?
3. This makes me angry and very, very sad: The cancellation of Pushing Daisies. I've gone on and on here about what an amazingly creative, heartwarming and hilarious show it is, and how much everyone who doesn't watch it is missing out on something fantastic, so I won't do that now (oops, just did!); I will, however, ask that if you haven't watched it, please do yourself a favor and watch it when it comes out on DVD. You won't be disappointed.
4. The Writers' Strike. My hatred of the strike was not based on its merits but on the effect it had on my favorite shows: abbreviated seasons or in some cases - 24 - no season at all. The strike is also partially responsible for #3 on this list. ABC decided not to bring PD back once the strike was over, and it was gone for so long that it completely fell off of people's TV radar.
5. If there was one word to sum up the dismal third season of Heroes, it would have to be STUPID. Almost every plot advancement was the result of a character acting stupidly, and the most glaringly stupid example? In the very first episode, Hiro removed the formula from the safe, right after being told not to by his father, for no other reason than he is bored, setting into motion the entire story arc for the season. Characters like Sylar and Nathan and Elle switched allegiances not only from episode to episode, but multiple times within a single episode, with no obvious motivation. And if there was a reason for the shift, it was - yep, you got it - it was stupid. And I have never watched a television show with more superfluous characters. You could kill off Matt, Mohinder, Meredith, Maya, and the girl who runs really fast and whose name escapes me right now without impacting the storyline AT ALL.
I could go on and on about all of the ways that Heroes disappointed me this season, but I would just be repeating myself. I'm still not sure if I'm going to give it another shot when the new chapter starts up, but if I hear that the story arc will involve a future New York City in peril, I'm done with it for good.
So, those are the ways in which my TV pissed me off or disappointed me in 2008. Was there anything that made you hate your TV?
Later, Part II, the "Love" list!
Gina, I am totally with you on some of your "Hate" list.
Heroes? I deleted the Season Pass from my Tivo! I actually divorced this show that I used to love so very much.
Pushing Daisies' cancellation? I don't want to even think about it. The show got better and better (but I'll save those words for the "Love" list). Their cancellation? A crime.
One addition? Heba and Ed on The Biggest Loser. I guess they *could* go on my "Loved" list as well, though - I LOVED to hate them!
I'll keep thinking but, although I haven't felt that this has been a really strong television season, I find I have far more things I love than things I hate. I guess that's a good thing ;)
Yes, that is a good thing! Please post them in the "Love" post comments!
The heartbreak of Pushing Daisies' cancellation tops the list for me. And the crushing dissapointment that Heroes became is up there, too.
I also found the 'news' media pretty disgusting during the everlasting political coverage. You had to search for anything that approximated news.
Not a long list, but I guess there has been a lot of stuff on tv that I just didn't care enough about to go on the list, lol.
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