OK, a few things:
I’ve been reading some discussion about the episode online, and I guess Rousseau had spoken in earlier episodes about “that time Montand lost his arm”. Huh! I have no memory of that, but it’s cool to know that they're keeping track of some of this stuff.
When Montand calmly spoke from under the temple after the smoke monster pulled him down, I almost laughed out loud. It reminded me of that scene in Austin Powers where one of Dr. Evil’s henchmen is dropped through a trap door, where he’s progressively, shot, stabbed, set on fire...all out of sight. And after each assault, he sort of meekly says things like, “Can someone help me please? I’m not dead yet, just badly burned...” Ha!
So we finally got to see the Temple. Did you notice the hieroglyphs on the outside of it? They are the same as the ones that would pop up on the counter when the button wasn’t pushed.
So what was this “sickness” that Rousseau talked about? We know now that it wasn’t the Minkowski/Charlotte effect, or the sickness that the pregnant women died from...was it brainwashing (for lack of a better word)? Or was it really Rousseau who was the crazy one?
Daniel must go back to Dharma time during one of the flashes (or perhaps on his own?), and he must try to change the future by telling Charlotte she will die if she goes back to the island, even though he knows that it’s not possible. Right?
It’s good to know that John didn’t have to break his promise to Jin, since he died before talking to Sun about Jin. Right?
What is Christian? He must be some kind of apparition, non-corporeal, and that’s why he couldn’t help John stand.
One of the best scenes was seeing Sawyer so excited to see Jin.
This show looks AWESOME in HD. Wow.
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