OK, whose head is spinning? Mine! This oughta be fun...
On the Island
So much shit went down, I'm not sure I can remember it all.
We begin with Jin, who when we left him had flashed to the time when Rousseau and her crew were first marooned on the island. Jin wants to find his camp and the Frenchies are looking for a radio tower. They are trying to find the source of a broadcast of a man reciting the Numbers. Jin doesn't know how to get to the tower, but he says he can get to his camp from the tower, so he follows the Frenchies. On the way, they encounter the Smoke Monster, which kills the other female crew member and grabs Montand and drags him to the Temple. The Temple! Finally! The SM tries to pull Montand underground, but Jin and the Frenchies hold tight. WAY too tight, as it turns out when Montand's arm is ripped from his body when the SM pulls him below ground. The three (two?) remaining Frenchie guys go down after him, and Rousseau stays above ground because of the baby. Then time flashes.
After the flash, Jin is alone. He sees a pillar of smoke in the distance and follows it to a camp on a beach. He finds the dead bodies of two of the Frenchies, and then comes upon Rousseau and her husband Robert fighting and pointing guns at each other. She says the SM made them sick, Robert says no, it's just a security system, please believe me. She does and lowers her gun and then Robert shoots at her. Lucky for Rousseau, Robert's gun doesn't fire and she shoots him dead. When Jin runs out to stop all of the shooting, Rousseau tries to kill him, too, but time flashes.
Jin wakes up in the jungle with another gun pointing at him, but this time it's Sawyer's. Sawyer! They found Jin! Sawyer gets all goofy and happy and gives Jin a big old hug.

Hee! They bring Jin up to speed about the time flashes and how everyone's getting sick and how they need to get to The Orchid so John can leave and bring back the O6, including Sun. Charlotte does the explaining. In Korean. Huh? Coincidence? I don't know...
As they hike toward The Orchid, the time flashes become more frequent and more intense and everyone - but Daniel and Locke - is getting sicker. Charlotte finally collapses, delirious, and can go no further. Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, Miles and Jin continue on and Daniel stays with Charlotte, but not before Charlotte angrily tells Jin to not let John bring Sun back to the Island because "This place is Death!"
She also tells Locke that if they arrive at The Orchid during a time when it didn't exist and it's not there, to look for a well. They leave, and she explains to Daniel that she knows about the well because she was born and raised on the Island (knew it!) and her parents worked for Dharma. Something happened and she and her mother left and they never saw her father again. She spent her whole life trying to find it again so she could return. It wasn't until she got to the Island that she started to remember that when she was a little girl on the Island, a scary man came to her and told her that she can't come back to the Island after she leaves, or she will die. And that the scary man was Daniel. Then Charlotte dies. Bye-bye Charlotte.
The Orchid station is there when Locke and company arrive, but time flashes and it disappears, so they look for and find the well that Charlotte told them about. John decides he has to climb the rope to the bottom of the well, but before he leaves Jin makes him promise - PROMISE - to not bring Sun back. He gives him his wedding ring and tells John to tell Sun that he took it off of Jin's dead body. John promises.
As John descends into the well, time flashes (with the flash seeming to originate at the bottom of the well) and he falls to the bottom, suffering a compound fracture to his leg. OUCH. As he writhes on the floor, Christian Shepard appears to him and tells him that the wheel is off of its axle because Ben moved the Island, and not John, like Christian told him to. He tells John that he needs to shift the wheel back into place and then he will be able to leave. John tells Christian that Richard told him he must die in order to save the island. Christian tells him "That's why they call them sacrifices." OK, Christian? Not helpful.
In fact, Christian's really not helpful: When John asks him to help him stand because of his shattered leg, Christian says no. John gets up all by himself, makes his way to the wheel, bangs it back into place, and everything goes white.
O6 in L.A.
When last we saw them, Jack, Kate, Ben and Sayid were at the pier, being watched by Sun from a car in which she has not only Aaron in the backseat, but a pistol right next to her. Sun gets a call from Ji Yeon, who misses her mommy. Sun tells Ji Yeon that she met a new friend for her in L.A. and his name is Aaron (was Sun planning on taking him to Korea?). She tells Ji Yeon she loves her and hangs up, gets out of the car, and approaches the others. She seems to only have plans to kill Ben, who she blames for Jin's death. Kate flips out, grabs Aaron, and when she finds out that Ben and Jack want them all to go back to the Island, she gets in her car and gets outta there. Sayid does the same. But he walks because he has no car because people have been dragging his unconscious ass all over the city today.
Ben tells Sun that Jin is alive, and he can prove it if Sun will let him take her someplace to meet someone who will explain everything. I think I know who that might be...Sun agrees. They drive for a while and when Jack starts apologizing to Sun for leaving Jin behind, Ben hilariously tells them both to shut up. They eventually pull up outside of a church, where Ben gives Sun Jin's wedding ring, which he says Jin gave to Locke before Locke left the Island. After hearing this, Sun agrees to go back. What about Ji Yeon, Sun?!
As they stand there, Desmond walks up and asks why they are there.

Run, Desmond! And take Penny away before Ben gets her! When he says he came to talk to Daniel Faraday's mother, Ben looks a little confused. Not something you usually see.
Ben, Jack, Sun and Desmond go inside the church, and Ben introduces them to Eloise Hawking. She's all "That's all you brought?" and Ben's all "That's all I could round up on such short notice." And she's all, "Well then, let's get started."
This post is long enough. Some thoughts in a separate post coming up...
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