I had some unsettling news today. Not of the personal kind, don't worry. It was more along the lines of a close-call, one that I had no idea had occurred. A co-worker called me today to tell me that there had been an underground gas explosion on the very street we were cleaning as part of the Earth Day Cleanup yesterday. The explosion occurred just a couple of hours after the event wrapped up. Jesus, thank God it wasn't earlier in the day. No one was seriously injured and power has been restored (my office is on that block and thankfully the servers are up today). After the drama of what could have happened had subsided, my next thoughts were purely selfish - all that hard work cleaning that neighborhood and the damn thing blows up! ;) Oh well, our team did win the award for Best Team Spirit.
The Fishing Season Opening Day Pig Roast was a lot of fun. I hadn't seen a whole roasted pig before, and seeing them take the thing out of the grill was a little disturbing, but I ate some, of course. Delicious. Oh, there was one other disturbing thing...there were tons of kids there, and one of them, a young girl about 8 or 9 years old was fascinated with the pig's head. I mean fascinated. She stood by the table for a while, examining the head, putting a sandwich in its mouth and peanuts in its eyes. She eventually put the head on a paper plate and took it with her to the swingset. She placed the head on her lap and slid down the slide. Not wanting to give it up quite yet, she sat on a swing with the cherished head on her lap, swinging back and forth thinking who know's what thoughts. We watched her in horror and amazement. Some said she was going to grow up to be a serial killer; I tried to put a nice spin on it and suggested that she might possibly grow up to save countless lives as a forensic pathologist, but I dunno...
There was no camping this year, unfortunately. I was disappointed, but it was quiet chilly last night so it was surely for the best. I'm stiff as a board from all that raking and sweeping yesterday and I'm sure a night on the cold ground would not have helped matters! Speaking of which, a nice hot bath may be in order for this creaky old body...
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