
Well, Whadya Know
(btw, the corny humor is not mine)

Who came up with the idea of "Seeing Eye dogs" for blind

During World War I a doctor at a German hospital was called
away from the blind patient he was treating. The doctor left
his German shepherd with the patient and upon his return
noticed the positive way that man and dog were interacting.
The physician reasoned that such dogs could be trained to
assist blind people and set about to teach the animals to do
just that.

This might have remained a local phenomenon had not Dorothy
Eustis, a wealthy American dog trainer, heard of these guide
dogs (the proper term). She hired some of the German trainers
and set up an institute in New Jersey to make this use of the
dogs widespread.

Guide dogs undergo several months of training. Fortunately
they are not yet required to take the Scholastic Aptitude
Test to qualify for the course.

[source: Reader's Digest Book of Facts]

The names of the three wise monkeys are: Mizaru (See no evil); Mikazaru
(Hear no evil); Mazaru (Speak no evil).

[source: about.com]

If you stand at the equator you will spin at about 1,000
miles per hour because of the Earth's rotation. On the other
hand, even if you're just lying on a chaise lounge in your
own backyard, there are some stiff tropical drinks that will
do the same for you

[source: The Joy of Trivia by Bernie Smith]

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