
I missed the first half of Dennis Miller this weekend (of course!). Here's a snippet from this week's rant on Death (you can read the entire rant at his site):

There is a school of thought, usually promulgated by the topaz-jewelry-wearing, multiple-cat owning, ancient-Volvo-with-"Practice Random Kindness And Senseless Acts Of Beauty"-bumpersticker-driving segment of our population, that says we as a society need to remove the stigma from death and regard it as just another part of life. These rainbow-and-unicorn simpletons ask, "Why do we insist on portraying death as cruel?" Well, it's difficult to answer that question, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would say, because it fucking kills us.

Does the prospect of my death frighten me? Hell yes. Do I think about it often? Hell no.

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