Photo courtesy Dreamworks SKG Fansite
Have you all seen Shrek yet? In one of the film's funniest scenes Lord Farquaad mercilessly tortures The Gingerbread Man, who in my opinion steals the movie. Apparently, Entertainment Weekly magazine agrees with me; in this week's print issue, devoted to its annual "It List", Gingy's bit part gets noticed:
Shrek's Gingerbread Man
*It Scene Stealer*
AGE: "I'm actually 76," says the upstart bit player in Dreamworks' computer-animated smash Shrek. "I was baked back in 1925 as a Christmas gift and shared a tin with a fruitcake for years...an unpleasant memory I'd prefer not to discuss." WHY HIS VOICE IS SO HIGH: "I am, as Howard Stern says, hung like a raisin - literally." ON WORKING WITH JOHN LITHGOW: Despite the reciprocal torture pictured here, Gingy has nothing but respect for his Shrek costar, the actor behind the gumdrop-yanking Lord Farquaad. "What can I say about John...he was a real treat. We really fed off of each other, so to speak - he a little more than I." COOKIE NOOKY: "I used to date Little Debbie until I found out she was a real Ho Ho. I'm currently seeing a Po-Tart, though I'm reluctant to say what flavor." WORK HABITS: Between takes, "I like to get laid on a cookie sheet." BEAUTY SECRET: To stay soft and supple, Gingy sleeps in a Tupperware container. WOULDN'T BE HERE WITHOUT: "My Lord and Baker, Julia Child. Amen." NEXT: "Dreamworks and I are negotiating my contract for stipulations for the Shrek sequel. You want the man, you gotta grease the pan, if you know what I mean."
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