
Long time no see!

Here I am. My life has been a bit topsy-turvy lately, but in a not-so-bad way. Just a lot of stuff going on.

But I'm back with a bunch of goodies for ya...to start with, why don't we take a peek at Dennis Miller's most recent rant. My favorite part (well, the one with the least swear words):

"You know, I may pretend not to care about what happens thousands of miles away in a place I'll probably never see. But I know that all of life is deeply interconnected and interdependent in a symbiotic, primal dance. That a butterfly beating its wings in the African bush can dislodge a particle of dust that makes a monkey sneeze, which startles a herd of gazelle into stampeding, causing a rockslide down a hill which dams up a stream and floods it, creating moisture which evaporates and cools the air, which rushes into the hot air above it, becoming a cyclone, which whirls out to sea and joins up with other storm clouds, forming an enormous raging squall that travels thousands of miles across the ocean, disrupting electromagnetic fields and making my cell phone cut out. Fuckin' butterflies. "

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