
Silly Quiz!

Anyone up for a meaningless Emode quiz? I just took their Passion Predictor Test and here are my (corny) results:

You're a Synchronized Swimmer!

What could be more comforting than moving in lockstep with your partner? Living in a permanent state of "we" warms the cockles of the heart.

In the words of Joe Cocker's immortal ballad, "Love lifts you up where you belong." It makes you feel alive and brings joy to your lover, too. When you and your honey are on cloud nine, life couldn't be sweeter. The rewards of caring so much pay off again and again.

But, there is a rub here: Do you get little anxious when your sweetie is out of your sight? If you don't get a call when you're supposed to, do you worry that perhaps something's wrong?

If you're feeling unappreciated or taken for granted, your insecurities can make you a little needy. Sure, you've got a lot of love to give. But is it possible that you have a tendency to lose yourself in relationships? The best pairings always happen when two whole people come together as equals. So take care of yourself first before you worry about your partner.

How you rate:

Intimacy: 6
Being your fabulous self does come at a price. When you're devoted to caring, giving, and listening to others, sometimes you need a little quiet time with number one. That's definitely not a bad thing, as long as your sweetie-pie doesn't feel shut out. Maybe it would help to offer a little reassurance before retreating to your cave. That way the one you love won't misinterpret your withdrawal.

Passion: 7
In the endless battle between the mind and heart, you probably lean toward leaving the boring one behind (yes, that's the head). Throw in some candles, chocolates, and a dash of Kama Sutra, and you're right at home. You set the temperature to sizzling — that's just one of the reasons why you thrive in romance. So until you hear otherwise from the doctor, we say keep up the good work.

Commitment: 6
Maybe you're not exactly dreaming of an idyllic fairy tale wedding, but you just might have secretly entertained the idea of a little house with a picket fence. Maybe you've even stared wistfully at couples with baby strollers passing by on a Sunday afternoon. That's what's so great about you — you understand the value of maintaining and nourishing your relationship. Ahh, it's all so romantic.

How passionate are you?

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