500 Years of Female Portraiture
And if I'm not mistaken, they've been painting Sean Young all along.
Jose Chung's From Hartford
Or at least he was from Hartford. Unfortunately, he's also dead.
RIP, Charles Nelson Reilly. In your honor, I post my favorite picture of you:

You made all of those wasted after-school hours that I spent watching Match Game and The Ghost & Mrs. Muir a little bit more worthwhile.
RIP, Charles Nelson Reilly. In your honor, I post my favorite picture of you:
You made all of those wasted after-school hours that I spent watching Match Game and The Ghost & Mrs. Muir a little bit more worthwhile.
LOST: Episode 3-22
I'm leaving soon for the holiday weekend, but I wanted to at least post something and let anyone who would want to discuss the finale in the comments. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Have a wonderful holiday, everyone. We'll talk more when I get back.
Oh, and rest in peace, Cholly. *sniff*
Idol Top 2: Performances
I listened from the kitchen, and Jordin is nowhere near as good as the judges seem to think she is, but she'll win.
I highly doubt I'll watch tonight - just too much to do before leaving for vacation tomorrow and I HAVE TO watch the LOST finale. If I do watch, it will be in a very casual way, in between doing other things, so there won't be a final Idol recap this time. Sorry.
I hope your favorite wins!
I highly doubt I'll watch tonight - just too much to do before leaving for vacation tomorrow and I HAVE TO watch the LOST finale. If I do watch, it will be in a very casual way, in between doing other things, so there won't be a final Idol recap this time. Sorry.
I hope your favorite wins!
Britain demands Russia hand over polonium suspect - Yahoo! News
Doesn't "polonium" sound totally made up? Like maybe the Joker used it to try to blow up Gotham City in the old Batman TV show, or maybe it was used to power the Enterprise or something.
Heroes: "How to Stop an Exploding Man"
1. Nathan ROCKS. And they're totally not dead. He flew up really high, let go of Peter, flew away, Peter "exploded" and when he was falling and healing, Nathan came back and grabbed him. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
2. His name is Noah, but he'll always be Bennett to me.
3. Micah is just adorable.
4. I'm so glad Ando didn't die!
5. Was that Mr. Nakamura under the warrior's helmet at the end? I swear those were Sulu's eyes. So what do you think the eclipse means? There must be a connection with the heroes' powers.
6. Claire also ROCKS. Man, she's a good crier!
7. Sylar lives. In the sewer, where he belongs.
We can rebuild her.
The people behind the new Battlestar Galactica have given the same treatment to The Bionic Woman. From what I've seen, it looks pretty good, a lot like Alias. See for yourself.
Finale Week
All of our favorite shows are having their season finales this week! Are you ready?
Monday, May 21
Heroes, 9 P.M. on NBC
24, 2-hour finale at 8 P.M. on FOX
Tuesday, May 22
Veronica Mars, 2-hour series finale at 8 P.M. on CW
Wednesday, May 23
American Idol, 2-hour finale at 8 P.M. on FOX
LOST, 2-hour finale at 9 P.M. on ABC
I'm going to try my best to watch them all on the nights they air, but I'm going away on Thursday for 5 days and I have to get myself packed and ready to go in the evenings so it's going to be tight!
So tight, in fact that I'm afraid you'll all have to wait for recap posts until after the holiday weekend. If I have time, I may do a quick post for each show after it airs so we can at least have a comment thread discussion.
Have fun watching!
Monday, May 21
Heroes, 9 P.M. on NBC
24, 2-hour finale at 8 P.M. on FOX
Tuesday, May 22
Veronica Mars, 2-hour series finale at 8 P.M. on CW
Wednesday, May 23
American Idol, 2-hour finale at 8 P.M. on FOX
LOST, 2-hour finale at 9 P.M. on ABC
I'm going to try my best to watch them all on the nights they air, but I'm going away on Thursday for 5 days and I have to get myself packed and ready to go in the evenings so it's going to be tight!
So tight, in fact that I'm afraid you'll all have to wait for recap posts until after the holiday weekend. If I have time, I may do a quick post for each show after it airs so we can at least have a comment thread discussion.
Have fun watching!
24 Minutes
Bye-Bye, Veronica.
LOST: Episode 3-21
Greatest Hits
Alright, how many of you cried? I did, during the entire Desmond/Cholly boat scene. Good Lord, that list! And the hug with Hurley! And the baby touching Charlie's face! I could cry again. I still think Charlie will die, in fact a part of me hopes he does. Otherwise, all that crying would have been for nothing.
Not a lot of mytharc stuff last night, but a lot of good drama and character development. A few thoughts:
I'm totally happy that Jack and Juliet are finally knocking off the squirrelly routine and people are working together, but come on, did Jack really have to be so dramatic and blow up the tree? What if the Others heard that? Can you really afford to waste the dynamite like that? And Jack, don't be so rude to Sayid! Yes, Jack still bugs. I'm happy to see that he hates the Others as much as everyone else, but he still bugs.
Rousseau is so cool, and so is her daughter, Alex. Great casting. I loved the symbolism of Alex killing and cutting up one of her "father's" beloved white rabbits. And when she was running from the camp through the jungle, I was positive that she was running to find Locke. But I was wrong. Hang in there Locke!
The Looking Glass Station is not on the blast door map, so I guess that begs the question: is it a DHARMA facility? Or not? Or is that even the question to be asking? The looking glass in Alice in Wonderland allowed Alice to travel between worlds, or "realities". Perhaps this is the point where people arrive at the island reality from the "other reality", or other timeline, whatever you want to call it. When you arrive at the Looking Glass, the blue sub waits to take you to the dock. When you want to leave the island, the submarine takes you to the Looking Glass, and that's as far as it goes. How it works from there, I don't know, but it makes sense!
Hang on, I was just looking at screencaps and the Looking Glass is definitely a DHARMA station:
And that's definitely a rabbit - a White Rabbit, perhaps?? Like the one in Alice in Wonderland?? Like the white rabbits Benry loves?? AWESOME. But who are those chicks with guns?
Rose and Bernard! Good to see you guys again! I hope that Bernard has not volunteered for his own death.
If you weren't sure whether or not Benry was crazy before, just take a look at those eyes.
This was my first LOST episode in high def and wow!! It really is a beautiful show to look at. And speaking of beautiful, Desmond was particularly dreamy last night.
Holy smokes.
Next week, it's the 2-hour season finale, starting at 9:00!
Idol Top 3: Stupid Results
As I feared, the best singer American Idol has probably ever seen was sent packing last night. I harbor no ill will against the two that remain - they weren't the ones voting and it's not like they're Sanjaya or anything - but I just don't care at this point. This season is done for me. I'm not even all that angry. I'm just finished.
If someone were to ask me today if will be watching next week, I'd say no, but I will probably break down and at least watch the finale. Last year's was awesome and that awesomeness had nothing to do with the Final 2. Plus, I'll want to hear Melinder sing one more time.
Just a few items I did want to remark upon:
1. Melinda, I loved your "Death Cheater" tank. Too bad it didn't work for you.
2. Elliot, you look and sound awesome. I love the new choppers!
3. Nigel, dude, we saw you doing the Janet Jackson snake move while Maroon 5 was singing. You should never do that again!
Congratulations to the Jordin and Blake fans. See ya next year!
Heroes: "Landslide" (Spoilers!!)
You know, I was going to use a screencap of Linderman's face as DL squeezed his brain, but after careful reflection (with one hand over my eyes) I came to the conclusion that it was far too disturbing. Awesome, but disturbing nonetheless.
This episode had quite the body count! Dead or apparently dead: Ted, Johnson, Linderman and DL. And was Parkman shot, too? The only two that I really believe are dead at this point are Ted and Johnson (Eric Roberts). Linderman has that healing power, and I think DL may have still been alive, albeit barely, when we last saw him. Even so, I was surprised at all the killing! Does this mean that no one will die in the finale? Or does it mean that they've only just begun the slaughter?
I was right about Micah and the voting machines. I wonder what Candace looks like for real? Maybe she'll get killed in the finale by Sylar (which is what happens, according to the future we saw) and right before she dies we'll get to see what a hideous form she really has right before she keels over?
Do you think that Nathan sending DL and Jessica to Linderman was what FutureSylar referred to as betraying his own kind? Or is there something else?
How cool was Hiro's dad? I'm so glad he's a good guy. I wonder if there was a split in the previous generation of Heroes, with Linderman and Mrs. Petrelli going to the dark side, and Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Petrelli on the good side? I really hope that Ando doesn't get killed. Really.
How did Peter get those annoying bangs back so quickly?! He's not so hot to me anymore.
Next week: the season finale! "Boom."
Idol Top 3: Performances
Each contestant sings 3 songs: A judge's pick, a producer's pick and a singer's pick.
Judges' Picks
Jordin - Simon chooses "Wishing on a Star" for Jordin. She starts off sort of shaky but it picks up in the chorus and I can see why Simon picked it. She looks very pretty.
Blake - "Roxanne"... Paula chose this song and I think it's a good choice for him. It's not a Singer's song, but I think she picked up on his 80's vibe. He's changed his hair color again. And that's probably the best outfit choice of the season for him. No old man pants and his butt doesn't look huge.
Wow, Simon has some serious product in his hair!
Melinda - "I Believe in You and Me" by Whitney Houston! WTF? This song was chosen for Melinda by Randy, who has told anyone who has ever sang a Whitney song to NOT even attempt a Whitney song. And he picks a crappy one at that! Sigh. But she makes some magic with it, of course. Randy says he picked it to challenge her. Whatever. I don't blame her for calling Randy Johnson.
Producers' Choice
Jordin - "She Works Hard for the Money"... Wow, what a shitty song choice. She's got her stripper shoes on, appropriately enough. Jeez, she can't walk in those at ALL. They must make her like 6'4"! It was just okay, I think. She's not as good on the fast-paced songs. So far, she's not having the best night.
Blake - "This Love" by Maroon 5. It's a perfect choice for his voice and modern, which is the one thing he's got going for him over the other two. That and the whole boy thing. Overall it was another good performance.
Paula's hair looks really pretty tonight.
Melinda - "Nutbush City Limits"... Oo, a Tina Turner song! And she rocks! How many singers can do a Whitney song and then a Tina Turner song and knock both of them out of the park? I would have preferred hearing "You Better Be Good to Me" or "Simply the Best", because those are so recognizable that I think she would have brought the house down, but this was still awesome.
Singers' Choice
Jordin - "I Who Have Nothing" She repeats her best performance from the season. Does that hurt or help? I don't know. I'm still not jazzed about her high notes, but there's no question, that was very good.
Blake - "When I Get You Alone", by Robin Thicke. You know what, it's not bad. I think this could be a single. He can't outsing the other two, he's gotta do something to stand out and I think he really made himself a serious contender tonight.
Randy still has no hair.
Melinda - "I'm a Woman"... Another repeat performance, and this time she brings out her backup singers. Classy move. She really has an amazing range of styles. As Simon would say, I want "my girl Melinder" to win.
Who's going home tonight? I think it's a toss-up between Blake and Jordin, but there's a small part of me that is worried about Melinda, the part that voted last night for 20 minutes with only one busy signal. Yipe!
Judges' Picks
Jordin - Simon chooses "Wishing on a Star" for Jordin. She starts off sort of shaky but it picks up in the chorus and I can see why Simon picked it. She looks very pretty.
Blake - "Roxanne"... Paula chose this song and I think it's a good choice for him. It's not a Singer's song, but I think she picked up on his 80's vibe. He's changed his hair color again. And that's probably the best outfit choice of the season for him. No old man pants and his butt doesn't look huge.
Wow, Simon has some serious product in his hair!
Melinda - "I Believe in You and Me" by Whitney Houston! WTF? This song was chosen for Melinda by Randy, who has told anyone who has ever sang a Whitney song to NOT even attempt a Whitney song. And he picks a crappy one at that! Sigh. But she makes some magic with it, of course. Randy says he picked it to challenge her. Whatever. I don't blame her for calling Randy Johnson.
Producers' Choice
Jordin - "She Works Hard for the Money"... Wow, what a shitty song choice. She's got her stripper shoes on, appropriately enough. Jeez, she can't walk in those at ALL. They must make her like 6'4"! It was just okay, I think. She's not as good on the fast-paced songs. So far, she's not having the best night.
Blake - "This Love" by Maroon 5. It's a perfect choice for his voice and modern, which is the one thing he's got going for him over the other two. That and the whole boy thing. Overall it was another good performance.
Paula's hair looks really pretty tonight.
Melinda - "Nutbush City Limits"... Oo, a Tina Turner song! And she rocks! How many singers can do a Whitney song and then a Tina Turner song and knock both of them out of the park? I would have preferred hearing "You Better Be Good to Me" or "Simply the Best", because those are so recognizable that I think she would have brought the house down, but this was still awesome.
Singers' Choice
Jordin - "I Who Have Nothing" She repeats her best performance from the season. Does that hurt or help? I don't know. I'm still not jazzed about her high notes, but there's no question, that was very good.
Blake - "When I Get You Alone", by Robin Thicke. You know what, it's not bad. I think this could be a single. He can't outsing the other two, he's gotta do something to stand out and I think he really made himself a serious contender tonight.
Randy still has no hair.
Melinda - "I'm a Woman"... Another repeat performance, and this time she brings out her backup singers. Classy move. She really has an amazing range of styles. As Simon would say, I want "my girl Melinder" to win.
Who's going home tonight? I think it's a toss-up between Blake and Jordin, but there's a small part of me that is worried about Melinda, the part that voted last night for 20 minutes with only one busy signal. Yipe!
My new ride.
After nine years of faithful service (for the most part), I finally traded my 1998 Ford Ranger pickup for this. A 2007 Honda CR-V. I LOVE it!!
(yes, that's my house in the background)
Heroes: "The Hard Part"
A few thoughts before tonight's episode:
Given the opportunity last week, Hiro couldn't kill Sylar (and that reluctance does him credit, I think). I wonder if a threat against Ando's life will be the catalyst for Hiro going through with the murder?
I was happy that we got to see into Sylar's origins a little bit with his visit to his super-smothering mother. The snow globe scene was so beautiful. Until he lost control and beaned her with one, of course. She's been harping on and on about how special he could be for years, though, and now that he finally shows her, she freaks out. Sylar's still pretty much an insane homicidal maniac, but I do feel some sympathy for him now.
So the Walker Tracking System is little Molly Walker. Cool. She's a real cutie. Whoever casts the kids for this show does a great job of picking ones that are not over the top precocious. I have a question, though: I understand how Mohinder's blood could help cure his sister, but how does that apply to little Molly? I would think you would have to be related for it to work.
I guess now we know why Mrs. Petrelli is in such a hurry to get the heck out of New York - she knows about the bomb! I have to believe that Nathan is going to try to stop it. I still stand by my assertion that he's not all bad.
I couldn't believe it when Peter starting heating up right away when he was standing next to Ted! Certainly it's not already happening! Maybe someone wises up and tells Ted to go sit in the car?
Almost everyone is in NY now. Now we just need Nikki and DL to get there (Micah is already there, right, in the tower above the square where Parkman, Bennett, Ted, Peter and Claire all meet up?) and the fun will really start.
Have fun watching tonight!
No need to put down the pipe yet!
'Law & Order' shows get reprieve: "NBC Universal and producer Dick Wolf struck a last-minute deal Sunday to keep 'Law & Order' and its two spinoffs on the air, although 'Law & Order: Criminal Intent' episodes will first be seen on the USA cable network."
Idol Top 4: Results
Does anyone else think it's really weird to see Bill Maher in the American Idol audience? Even he looks like he's not quite sure how he ended up there.
Another hour-long results show that was jam-packed with filler, so just the highlights:
1. Pink sings "Who Knew?" in a taped segment from Idol Gives Back, that they pretend is live. I would rather have heard "U & Ur Hand", but TPTB thought it was too risque, or so I hear.
2. Wow, this has to be the absolute worst group song EVER. It's completely underwhelming. Note to American Idol people: BeeGees and AI are a bad combo.
3. Oh dear, Barry looks like someone's Grandpa up there. I suppose he is someone's Grandpa, huh? Oh, and NICE sheer shirt, Barry. Ew! Damn, I just looked him up on imdb and he's only 61 - I thought he was at least in his 70s! He looked happy to have made it to the end of the song still standing.
4. OK, finally, it's down to Lakisha and Blake, as everyone predicted. Lakisha is going home. Unlike Chris Richardson, you can see from her goodbye montage that she has really come a long way.
I'm not sure what the theme is next week, and I can't find the information anywhere online. I think it might be the week where each of the Top 3 have to sing songs chosen by Simon, Paula and Randy. Maybe?
Another hour-long results show that was jam-packed with filler, so just the highlights:
1. Pink sings "Who Knew?" in a taped segment from Idol Gives Back, that they pretend is live. I would rather have heard "U & Ur Hand", but TPTB thought it was too risque, or so I hear.
2. Wow, this has to be the absolute worst group song EVER. It's completely underwhelming. Note to American Idol people: BeeGees and AI are a bad combo.
3. Oh dear, Barry looks like someone's Grandpa up there. I suppose he is someone's Grandpa, huh? Oh, and NICE sheer shirt, Barry. Ew! Damn, I just looked him up on imdb and he's only 61 - I thought he was at least in his 70s! He looked happy to have made it to the end of the song still standing.
4. OK, finally, it's down to Lakisha and Blake, as everyone predicted. Lakisha is going home. Unlike Chris Richardson, you can see from her goodbye montage that she has really come a long way.
I'm not sure what the theme is next week, and I can't find the information anywhere online. I think it might be the week where each of the Top 3 have to sing songs chosen by Simon, Paula and Randy. Maybe?
Speaking of Namaste.
Did I ever blog this last year?
Painted over the doorway of an artist's shop in Shelburne Falls, MA. Local Hanso Foundation headquarters, perhaps?
LOST: Episode 3-20 (SPOILERS!!)
OK, I have no idea where to begin! Do I drop my jaw at the revelations in Benry's backstory? Do I applaud the way the folks at the beach have finally started to communicate with each other? Or do I gasp in shock and horror at the ending? How about all of the above?!

The Man Behind the Curtain
I know that some of you are chomping at the bit, wanting to talk about the episode, so I'll just make a few observations and open up the floor for discussion.
Benry - So Benry was NOT born on the island! Was I the only one who thought when Horace (Tooms!) drove up in the red car, that he was Jacob and he was going to adopt Benry and raise him on the island? No? Anyway, Benry's backstory was amazing. We found out that he came to the island as a part of DHARMA, when he was about 12 years old and was not always an "Other". He killed his father (Roger Work Man!), and he aided and abetted the "Purge" of the DHARMA group. Do you think he killed his father as a sort of initiation into the Others, the way he wanted Locke to kill his father?
It was made clear that Benry is not as much of an omniscient leader as he would have us think. He did not plant the tape recorder for Locke to find and I don't think he intended for it to be given to Sawyer, et al. From what we saw of his backstory last night, he's clearly a bit of a psychopath and the people who "follow" him are quite aware of that fact (see Richard's talk with Locke last week, Tom's refusal to help Mikhail when Benry ordered him to this week, Alex's rebellion against him and Juliet's betrayal).
Richard - If that was the same man that Benry enountered in the jungle as a boy, he doesn't seem to have aged at all! The effect of some temporal weirdness, perhaps? Why was it significant to Richard that Benry saw his dead mother and especially that she spoke to him? Did this make Benry special to the Others, the way Locke is "special" to them? Why did Richard tell him he would have to wait to join them? Why wouldn't he always wear his hair long since it makes him look like Aragorn?
Purge - I'm assuming that this is different from the DHARMA "incident" that was referred to in the LOST Experience and on the blast door map. I believe the Purge is what we saw last night and that it occurred after the "incident" (which took place in 1986, I think). What happened in the time between Richard and Benry's first meeting and the Purge? Why did Benry think it was necessary to obliterate the entire DHARMA group? Did he blame them for something that happened in the intervening years? Am I assuming too much?
Annie - Do you think Annie died in the Purge? Or was she dead already? From a pregnancy, maybe?
Jacob - Do not even ask me to theorize about what the heck happened in that cabin! God that was freaky! And thank God for the internet because check this out: Right after "Jacob" throws Benry to the wall, there's a quick flash of a man in the chair:

(I brightened the screencap up a bit, thank you lost-media.com)
I thought at first that Benry was just a lunatic, but then things started flying around the place, and then Locke heard Jacob saying "Help me" (creepy!). Why does he need help? Is Benry keeping him captive in some way? Is that line of ash on the ground around the cabin what's keeping him in place? Who is he???
Locke - Whoa!! Obviously, Alex gave Locke that gun so he could protect himself from Benry, not from Jacob. There is no way he is dead. He's just mostly dead, like Mikhail. The island fixed his paralysis, it can repair him again. I would bet money, though, that we won't be seeing him again until February. Well, just a little bit of money. Benry must have shot him because Locke was able to hear Jacob, and thus presents a threat to his authority. Maybe?
Naomi - According to Mikhail, the Others had no knowledge of the parachutist and he did stumble upon her by mistake. There goes that conspiracy.
More Questions - I still have no idea who the Others are: Are they descendants of the shipwreck? Did they always have the ability to travel between the island and the rest of the world, or did that only come after DHARMA arrived? Speaking of which, how did DHARMA find the island, if no one else can?
Oh, so many questions!
I love not being spoiled. I can only imagine how much less of an impact this episode had on people who can't help themselves. It was so good that I didn't even notice that there was no Desmond until I started looking for a picture of him for this post! He did, however, make a brief, yet sexy and mysterious appearance in the scene on the beach:

(So much for just a "few observations"!)
The Man Behind the Curtain
I know that some of you are chomping at the bit, wanting to talk about the episode, so I'll just make a few observations and open up the floor for discussion.
Benry - So Benry was NOT born on the island! Was I the only one who thought when Horace (Tooms!) drove up in the red car, that he was Jacob and he was going to adopt Benry and raise him on the island? No? Anyway, Benry's backstory was amazing. We found out that he came to the island as a part of DHARMA, when he was about 12 years old and was not always an "Other". He killed his father (Roger Work Man!), and he aided and abetted the "Purge" of the DHARMA group. Do you think he killed his father as a sort of initiation into the Others, the way he wanted Locke to kill his father?
It was made clear that Benry is not as much of an omniscient leader as he would have us think. He did not plant the tape recorder for Locke to find and I don't think he intended for it to be given to Sawyer, et al. From what we saw of his backstory last night, he's clearly a bit of a psychopath and the people who "follow" him are quite aware of that fact (see Richard's talk with Locke last week, Tom's refusal to help Mikhail when Benry ordered him to this week, Alex's rebellion against him and Juliet's betrayal).
Richard - If that was the same man that Benry enountered in the jungle as a boy, he doesn't seem to have aged at all! The effect of some temporal weirdness, perhaps? Why was it significant to Richard that Benry saw his dead mother and especially that she spoke to him? Did this make Benry special to the Others, the way Locke is "special" to them? Why did Richard tell him he would have to wait to join them? Why wouldn't he always wear his hair long since it makes him look like Aragorn?
Purge - I'm assuming that this is different from the DHARMA "incident" that was referred to in the LOST Experience and on the blast door map. I believe the Purge is what we saw last night and that it occurred after the "incident" (which took place in 1986, I think). What happened in the time between Richard and Benry's first meeting and the Purge? Why did Benry think it was necessary to obliterate the entire DHARMA group? Did he blame them for something that happened in the intervening years? Am I assuming too much?
Annie - Do you think Annie died in the Purge? Or was she dead already? From a pregnancy, maybe?
Jacob - Do not even ask me to theorize about what the heck happened in that cabin! God that was freaky! And thank God for the internet because check this out: Right after "Jacob" throws Benry to the wall, there's a quick flash of a man in the chair:
(I brightened the screencap up a bit, thank you lost-media.com)
I thought at first that Benry was just a lunatic, but then things started flying around the place, and then Locke heard Jacob saying "Help me" (creepy!). Why does he need help? Is Benry keeping him captive in some way? Is that line of ash on the ground around the cabin what's keeping him in place? Who is he???
Locke - Whoa!! Obviously, Alex gave Locke that gun so he could protect himself from Benry, not from Jacob. There is no way he is dead. He's just mostly dead, like Mikhail. The island fixed his paralysis, it can repair him again. I would bet money, though, that we won't be seeing him again until February. Well, just a little bit of money. Benry must have shot him because Locke was able to hear Jacob, and thus presents a threat to his authority. Maybe?
Naomi - According to Mikhail, the Others had no knowledge of the parachutist and he did stumble upon her by mistake. There goes that conspiracy.
More Questions - I still have no idea who the Others are: Are they descendants of the shipwreck? Did they always have the ability to travel between the island and the rest of the world, or did that only come after DHARMA arrived? Speaking of which, how did DHARMA find the island, if no one else can?
Oh, so many questions!
I love not being spoiled. I can only imagine how much less of an impact this episode had on people who can't help themselves. It was so good that I didn't even notice that there was no Desmond until I started looking for a picture of him for this post! He did, however, make a brief, yet sexy and mysterious appearance in the scene on the beach:
(So much for just a "few observations"!)
Wednesday is LOST day.
Unbelievable "speed-painting" portraits of Sawyer, Locke and Kate. Which one is your favorite?
Idol Top 4: Performances
Disclaimer: I am a BeeGees fan and I'm not ashamed to admit it (anymore), but I view their music the same way I do Elvis': No one but them should perform their songs. Anyone else comes off looking silly. Not because they're the best singers or anything, but because these songs were written with a specific singing style in mind and in most cases are a product of a specific moment in pop culture and do not transcend those obstacles easily.
This is going to be a rough night.
Round 1
Melinda - "Love You Inside and Out" Not the greatest song choice, and I agree with the judges, no big "wow" factor. It's unfortunate that just a solid vocal isn't enough.
Blake - "You Should Be Dancing"...He's totally gonna beat box this one, isn't he? Yep. What did I say about looking silly?
Lakisha - "Stayin' Alive"... Why in God's name would she choose to sing this? Oo, this is kind of rough, and too slow. These songs are not easy.
Jordin - "To Love Somebody"...Finally someone picked a good song, probably my favorite song of theirs. Tonight is going to boil down to song choice and Jordin just won the first round. She didn't sing any better than Melinda, but it had that wow thing, I think.
Round 2
Melinda - "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart"... my second favorite BeeGees song. Holy crap, that was just beautiful. Really nice. Way to snatch the glory, at least temporarily, from Jordin.
Blake - "This is Where I Came In"... I suppose he's got to establish himself as really different from the girls, but hoo-boy, methinks he may be writing his ticket home tonight. Blake represents the point at which the audience splits stylistically, though, so he may do fine if a lot of people enjoy his style of performing. Because for what it is, he does a good job.
Lakisha - "Run to Me"... Oo, another song I like! Not a great rendition. She should have stayed with the softer, higher voice throughout the performance, and sung it quietly and not rose to the usual shout-y part. It would have made more of an impression, I think. (whether or not she could sustain the higher notes, that might have been the problem) Simon is right, it's a toss up between her and Blake when it comes to going home tomorrow.
Jordin - "Woman in Love"...Her high notes are a bit piercing, and she kind of lost her way in the middle a little bit. Actually, it was really pretty bad.
Rough night, indeed. It'll be either Lakisha or Blake going home tonight.
This is going to be a rough night.
Round 1
Melinda - "Love You Inside and Out" Not the greatest song choice, and I agree with the judges, no big "wow" factor. It's unfortunate that just a solid vocal isn't enough.
Blake - "You Should Be Dancing"...He's totally gonna beat box this one, isn't he? Yep. What did I say about looking silly?
Lakisha - "Stayin' Alive"... Why in God's name would she choose to sing this? Oo, this is kind of rough, and too slow. These songs are not easy.
Jordin - "To Love Somebody"...Finally someone picked a good song, probably my favorite song of theirs. Tonight is going to boil down to song choice and Jordin just won the first round. She didn't sing any better than Melinda, but it had that wow thing, I think.
Round 2
Melinda - "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart"... my second favorite BeeGees song. Holy crap, that was just beautiful. Really nice. Way to snatch the glory, at least temporarily, from Jordin.
Blake - "This is Where I Came In"... I suppose he's got to establish himself as really different from the girls, but hoo-boy, methinks he may be writing his ticket home tonight. Blake represents the point at which the audience splits stylistically, though, so he may do fine if a lot of people enjoy his style of performing. Because for what it is, he does a good job.
Lakisha - "Run to Me"... Oo, another song I like! Not a great rendition. She should have stayed with the softer, higher voice throughout the performance, and sung it quietly and not rose to the usual shout-y part. It would have made more of an impression, I think. (whether or not she could sustain the higher notes, that might have been the problem) Simon is right, it's a toss up between her and Blake when it comes to going home tomorrow.
Jordin - "Woman in Love"...Her high notes are a bit piercing, and she kind of lost her way in the middle a little bit. Actually, it was really pretty bad.
Rough night, indeed. It'll be either Lakisha or Blake going home tonight.
LOST: Episode 3-19
Oh, what will Sawyer do now? His entire life has been leading up to this moment. Now that he has taken his revenge on the man who was responsible for his father's suicide and his mother's murder, what force will drive him? Will the show actually kill him off, the way they have other characters whose back stories are even semi-resolved? God, I hope not! Sawyer can be a bit one-note at times, but he's a perfect counterbalance to Jack's pompous do-gooder. Josh Holloway was incredible in this epsiode, from beginning to end, but most especially in the scene where he killed Locke's father, his "Sawyer". I would never have thought that a storyline involving Sawyer could bring me to tears, but I was wrong.
I loved the Rousseau/Locke scene, and the unspoken "I won't ask if you won't ask." Hee. Do you think we will ever learn what she needs the dynamite for?
The Others - I just can't believe a thing any of them say. Like how about Benry all of a sudden being able to walk because of the proximity of Locke? That doesn't make sense to me, except as a way to inflate Locke's sense of self worth. Also, he totally planted that tape recorder for Locke. He wouldn't be so careless as to be listening to it out in the open air like that (especially after sending someone to fetch Locke) and then very conspicuously placing it in that unlocked drawer. But did he foresee that Locke would give the recorder to Sawyer? Is he trying to sabotage Juliet, or is this all a part of the plan?
It didn't take Richard very long to get to the island, did it? Especially considering Locke blew up what was supposed to be their only means of getting to and from the island, the submarine. And I don't buy all this hiking and tenting and carrying packs on their backs. They were technologically savvy enough to have a video feed connected to Miami just a couple of days ago. Are you telling me they wouldn't have at least a golf cart? No, I don't trust them at all. And I can't wait to find out the meaning of all of the ruins around the island.
So, can Jack be any more of a shit? Good God, I wanted to slap him right across the face! And then slap him again! I gotta believe this big secret he and Juliet have has something to do with knowledge of the Pregnant Lady Raid that's coming up. I just hope he has a good explanation for being such an ass lately.
Theory. I have pretty much stayed away from formulating any over-arching theory for the show, but the developments in this episode have me actually speculating that what we're talking about here (and pardon me here because I am nowhere near the geek I may appear to be and this isn't really all that well thought-out) is either a parallel timeline or alternate reality, a situation where you could have Flight 815 crashed into the Pacific and everyone dead in one timeline AND everyone alive on the island in another. Maybe only the island exists in this "other" place/timeline? Maybe a rift was created between the two realities when Desmond let the computer countdown reach zero and the EM blast was released (the first time, when the plane crashed)? Maybe the Others know how to travel between the two realities or whatever you want to call them and they sedate anyone they bring to the island so they can't tell the outside (other) world? Desmond's issues with time could play into a scenario like this. Just thinking out loud...
WTF was up with Sayid's fingernails?? Dude! They freaked me right out. Ironic isn't it, that with all of the weird shit going on in this show, something as simple (and realistic) as Sayid's long fingernails would give me such big heebeejeebees.
The end is in sight!
ABC details final three "Lost" seasons: "The Emmy-winning adventure series will run for 48 more episodes over three seasons. Each season will consist of 16 episodes, which will air uninterrupted."
This news made me unreasonably happy when I heard it on the radio this morning. I don't want to think about it ending, and I don't want to have to wait until February to see it again, but to know that the producers and writers have a handle on the sometimes unwieldy LOST mythology and that this show will probably not suffer the same heartbreaking, slow death that The X-Files suffered, well, that makes me very happy.
Oh, and pardon me while I geek out: 16!
This news made me unreasonably happy when I heard it on the radio this morning. I don't want to think about it ending, and I don't want to have to wait until February to see it again, but to know that the producers and writers have a handle on the sometimes unwieldy LOST mythology and that this show will probably not suffer the same heartbreaking, slow death that The X-Files suffered, well, that makes me very happy.
Oh, and pardon me while I geek out: 16!
Idol Top 6: Results, Again
Two will go home tonight. I haven't cared since Gina left, but now it's getting to the point where it will be sad no matter who leaves.
Before we get to the important stuff, Robin Thicke sings. Like a girl.
Melinda, Phil and Lakisha are put into the first group of 3. Melinda is safe and so is Lakisha - wow, that is so the right result. I am very glad that I was wrong. So, Phil leaves us in a blaze of glory. You got farther than I ever thought you would, Phil, and you seemed like a nice guy. See you on Halloween!
The remaining contestants are grouped together: Jordin, Balke and Chris. Jordin is immediately told she's safe. Just as I thought. So, who's going home, Blake or Chris? We'll have to wait, of course, until Bon Jovi sings a new, really mellow song that reminded me of Joshua Tree-era U2.
Finally, Ryan tells us that Chris is going home. In the look back at his time on AI, it strikes me that unlike all the other contestants, he hasn't changed a bit from the day of his audition. I don't like the way you sing, Chris, but you also seemed like a nice guy. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you.
And so we're left with a final four - Melinda, Lakisha, Jordin and Blake - that was predicted early on by most viewers. As far as I'm concerned, these are the people who should be there.
Next week, Boogie sounds and Barry Gibb!
Before we get to the important stuff, Robin Thicke sings. Like a girl.
Melinda, Phil and Lakisha are put into the first group of 3. Melinda is safe and so is Lakisha - wow, that is so the right result. I am very glad that I was wrong. So, Phil leaves us in a blaze of glory. You got farther than I ever thought you would, Phil, and you seemed like a nice guy. See you on Halloween!
The remaining contestants are grouped together: Jordin, Balke and Chris. Jordin is immediately told she's safe. Just as I thought. So, who's going home, Blake or Chris? We'll have to wait, of course, until Bon Jovi sings a new, really mellow song that reminded me of Joshua Tree-era U2.
Finally, Ryan tells us that Chris is going home. In the look back at his time on AI, it strikes me that unlike all the other contestants, he hasn't changed a bit from the day of his audition. I don't like the way you sing, Chris, but you also seemed like a nice guy. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you.
And so we're left with a final four - Melinda, Lakisha, Jordin and Blake - that was predicted early on by most viewers. As far as I'm concerned, these are the people who should be there.
Next week, Boogie sounds and Barry Gibb!
Heroes: "String Theory"
I know I've said this about other episodes of Heroes, but this really was one of the best so far, if not the best. To be honest, I'm still a little confused about what exactly happened - or will happen or might happen or won't happen anymore now that Hiro and Ando went to the future and back again - with regard to the nuclear explosion and who actually caused it. But I'm hoping that a re-watch will help with that. Time travel makes the head hurt.
I have to say that I hope that Hiro and Ando don't change the future completely because I'll tell ya, Future Peter is hot! The hair, the scar, the scruff and especially the complete command he had over his powers made him irresistible.
It's interesting that there seem to be locations that the heroes keep coming back to again and again, the Burnt Toast diner, especially. I wonder if there's any significance to that or if it's just easier from a storytelling perspective?
I'll be interested to see if we get to find out what Nathan did - or does - that Sylar described as turning against his own kind. Does Nathan really betray the heroes, or does he just betray Sylar?
The episode didn't only raise new questions, it also answered a couple of things for me. Now we know why there was never a Future Ando with Future Hiro. And Hiro got the comic book from the future so it doesn't matter when it gets published.
If there was ever an episode that needed to be re-watched, it's this one. I look forward to viewing it again before Monday night!
Idol Top 6: Performances, Again
It's a night of Bon Jovi music! I own not a single Bon Jovi album (that's "CD" for you youngins), but that doesn't mean I don't crank the volume when "Livin' On A Prayer" comes on the radio. Besides, he's smokin' hot.
Hey, Gina's in the audience! Hi, Gina!! It's sort of ironic that this is the show you're attending, isn't it?
Before we start, Ryan tells us that "Idol Gives Back" raised almost $70 million! That's awesome.
First up,
Phil - "Blaze of Glory"...Jon get the chills listening to him in the practice session. Someone should tell him that a drop in room temperature always happens when one of the undead enters a room. Anyway...Jeez, it's another really good night for him. Who'd have thought he would have come on so strong at the end? I agree with Randy, that's the best performance he's done on the show so far. Simon's wrong - Phil isn't going anywhere.
Jordin - "Livin' on a Prayer", a favorite in the thisisgina household. Jordin reminds Jon of just how old he really is when she tells him, "My mom is gonna flip out". Oh dear, who'd have thought this was such a hard song to sing? It's really out of her range or something. Ouch! This is AWFUL. Well, at least she knows it. And maybe I'm weird, but I thought she looked great.
Lakisha - We had a DVR mishap and missed Lakisha. I hear she was really good and she and Simon kissed! Of course we missed it. I hope she was good enough to stay.
Blake - "You Give Love a Bad Name"...He's going to do his own arrangement and Jon Bon Jovi ain't down wi'dat. Blake's got some big ones, I'll say that (no wait, those are socks, I forgot). I'm diggin' the dark hair and you know what? I think I liked that. Normally, I cannot STAND the beatboxing, but here...I think he was smart keeping that chorus intact. He took a huge risk and this week it paid off for him.
Chris - "Wanted Dead or Alive"...Not bad. But nowhere near as good as anyone else tonight (with the exception of Jordin). I think this was your swan song, Chris.
Melinda - "Have a Nice Day"...JBJ loves her. She's the person who I thought would struggle the most with the theme but of course she doesn't really struggle and she channels Tina Turner and she's awesome.
Oh God, a special message from the Bushes. Does this mean we can vote him off? Pretty please?
Do they do a Bottom 3 when there's onlly 6 left? If so, it's gonna be Chris, Lakisha and Phil again. We're losing 2 this week because of last week's charity reprieve, so say bye-bye to Chris and Lakisha.
Hey, Gina's in the audience! Hi, Gina!! It's sort of ironic that this is the show you're attending, isn't it?
Before we start, Ryan tells us that "Idol Gives Back" raised almost $70 million! That's awesome.
First up,
Phil - "Blaze of Glory"...Jon get the chills listening to him in the practice session. Someone should tell him that a drop in room temperature always happens when one of the undead enters a room. Anyway...Jeez, it's another really good night for him. Who'd have thought he would have come on so strong at the end? I agree with Randy, that's the best performance he's done on the show so far. Simon's wrong - Phil isn't going anywhere.
Jordin - "Livin' on a Prayer", a favorite in the thisisgina household. Jordin reminds Jon of just how old he really is when she tells him, "My mom is gonna flip out". Oh dear, who'd have thought this was such a hard song to sing? It's really out of her range or something. Ouch! This is AWFUL. Well, at least she knows it. And maybe I'm weird, but I thought she looked great.
Lakisha - We had a DVR mishap and missed Lakisha. I hear she was really good and she and Simon kissed! Of course we missed it. I hope she was good enough to stay.
Blake - "You Give Love a Bad Name"...He's going to do his own arrangement and Jon Bon Jovi ain't down wi'dat. Blake's got some big ones, I'll say that (no wait, those are socks, I forgot). I'm diggin' the dark hair and you know what? I think I liked that. Normally, I cannot STAND the beatboxing, but here...I think he was smart keeping that chorus intact. He took a huge risk and this week it paid off for him.
Chris - "Wanted Dead or Alive"...Not bad. But nowhere near as good as anyone else tonight (with the exception of Jordin). I think this was your swan song, Chris.
Melinda - "Have a Nice Day"...JBJ loves her. She's the person who I thought would struggle the most with the theme but of course she doesn't really struggle and she channels Tina Turner and she's awesome.
Oh God, a special message from the Bushes. Does this mean we can vote him off? Pretty please?
Do they do a Bottom 3 when there's onlly 6 left? If so, it's gonna be Chris, Lakisha and Phil again. We're losing 2 this week because of last week's charity reprieve, so say bye-bye to Chris and Lakisha.
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