Oh, what will Sawyer do now? His entire life has been leading up to this moment. Now that he has taken his revenge on the man who was responsible for his father's suicide and his mother's murder, what force will drive him? Will the show actually kill him off, the way they have other characters whose back stories are even semi-resolved? God, I hope not! Sawyer can be a bit one-note at times, but he's a perfect counterbalance to Jack's pompous do-gooder. Josh Holloway was incredible in this epsiode, from beginning to end, but most especially in the scene where he killed Locke's father, his "Sawyer". I would never have thought that a storyline involving Sawyer could bring me to tears, but I was wrong.
I loved the Rousseau/Locke scene, and the unspoken "I won't ask if you won't ask." Hee. Do you think we will ever learn what she needs the dynamite for?
The Others - I just can't believe a thing any of them say. Like how about Benry all of a sudden being able to walk because of the proximity of Locke? That doesn't make sense to me, except as a way to inflate Locke's sense of self worth. Also, he totally planted that tape recorder for Locke. He wouldn't be so careless as to be listening to it out in the open air like that (especially after sending someone to fetch Locke) and then very conspicuously placing it in that unlocked drawer. But did he foresee that Locke would give the recorder to Sawyer? Is he trying to sabotage Juliet, or is this all a part of the plan?
It didn't take Richard very long to get to the island, did it? Especially considering Locke blew up what was supposed to be their only means of getting to and from the island, the submarine. And I don't buy all this hiking and tenting and carrying packs on their backs. They were technologically savvy enough to have a video feed connected to Miami just a couple of days ago. Are you telling me they wouldn't have at least a golf cart? No, I don't trust them at all. And I can't wait to find out the meaning of all of the ruins around the island.
So, can Jack be any more of a shit? Good God, I wanted to slap him right across the face! And then slap him again! I gotta believe this big secret he and Juliet have has something to do with knowledge of the Pregnant Lady Raid that's coming up. I just hope he has a good explanation for being such an ass lately.
Theory. I have pretty much stayed away from formulating any over-arching theory for the show, but the developments in this episode have me actually speculating that what we're talking about here (and pardon me here because I am nowhere near the geek I may appear to be and this isn't really all that well thought-out) is either a parallel timeline or alternate reality, a situation where you could have Flight 815 crashed into the Pacific and everyone dead in one timeline AND everyone alive on the island in another. Maybe only the island exists in this "other" place/timeline? Maybe a rift was created between the two realities when Desmond let the computer countdown reach zero and the EM blast was released (the first time, when the plane crashed)? Maybe the Others know how to travel between the two realities or whatever you want to call them and they sedate anyone they bring to the island so they can't tell the outside (other) world? Desmond's issues with time could play into a scenario like this. Just thinking out loud...
WTF was up with Sayid's fingernails?? Dude! They freaked me right out. Ironic isn't it, that with all of the weird shit going on in this show, something as simple (and realistic) as Sayid's long fingernails would give me such big heebeejeebees.
I assumed that it wasn't nearness to Locke that made Benry walk, it was getting back in touch with the island, Locke-style, that put the island's healing powers to work. Locke chastised Benry in the kitchen, remember, for living like a suburbanite, and said that was why he wasn't being healed.
Ah, you know what? I think that makes a lot of sense.
Let's hope those healing powers are working overtime now!!!!!!!!
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