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Alright, how many of you cried? I did, during the entire Desmond/Cholly boat scene. Good Lord, that list! And the hug with Hurley! And the baby touching Charlie's face! I could cry again. I still think Charlie will die, in fact a part of me hopes he does. Otherwise, all that crying would have been for nothing.
Not a lot of mytharc stuff last night, but a lot of good drama and character development. A few thoughts:
I'm totally happy that Jack and Juliet are finally knocking off the squirrelly routine and people are working together, but come on, did Jack really have to be so dramatic and blow up the tree? What if the Others heard that? Can you really afford to waste the dynamite like that? And Jack, don't be so rude to Sayid! Yes, Jack still bugs. I'm happy to see that he hates the Others as much as everyone else, but he still bugs.
Rousseau is so cool, and so is her daughter, Alex. Great casting. I loved the symbolism of Alex killing and cutting up one of her "father's" beloved white rabbits. And when she was running from the camp through the jungle, I was positive that she was running to find Locke. But I was wrong. Hang in there Locke!
The Looking Glass Station is not on the blast door map, so I guess that begs the question: is it a DHARMA facility? Or not? Or is that even the question to be asking? The looking glass in Alice in Wonderland allowed Alice to travel between worlds, or "realities". Perhaps this is the point where people arrive at the island reality from the "other reality", or other timeline, whatever you want to call it. When you arrive at the Looking Glass, the blue sub waits to take you to the dock. When you want to leave the island, the submarine takes you to the Looking Glass, and that's as far as it goes. How it works from there, I don't know, but it makes sense!
Hang on, I was just looking at screencaps and the Looking Glass is definitely a DHARMA station:
And that's definitely a rabbit - a White Rabbit, perhaps?? Like the one in Alice in Wonderland?? Like the white rabbits Benry loves?? AWESOME. But who are those chicks with guns?
Rose and Bernard! Good to see you guys again! I hope that Bernard has not volunteered for his own death.
If you weren't sure whether or not Benry was crazy before, just take a look at those eyes.
This was my first LOST episode in high def and wow!! It really is a beautiful show to look at. And speaking of beautiful, Desmond was particularly dreamy last night.
Holy smokes.
Next week, it's the 2-hour season finale, starting at 9:00!
There was also a season 1 episode called "White Rabbit", where Jack saw his father and gave the "Live together, die alone" speech.
Don't mind me, talking to myself again...
And what if Desmond was lying? What if he did see someone getting on a chopper but it wasn't Claire and the baby? What if it was him and he just said it was Claire and the baby because he knew Charlie would do anything for them? And what if his offer at the end to take Charlie's place was because he was having second thoughts about deceiving him?
I really hope that's not the case, but it could be...
I am also unsure about Charlie - seems like Desmond's vision did not mention women with guns. I was under the impression the place was flooded and Charlie would drown. Although I knew from how loud Charlie was once he popped up in there that *someone* was coming. I didn't cry, but it was very sad, especially the part with the baby and his "5 best moments of my life."
I agree, that Jack has been a jerk lately. I used to like his character and now I want to smack him when I see him. I was happy to see Rose and Bernard.
I am very excited for the finale. I think things on the island will be totally different next year. I wonder if Ben will survive? I guess he must, but it seems to me like he is crazier each week and losing some power in his group.
Thanks for the fast recap, and another great screenshot. :)
One more thing... seemed to me in the preview for next week that Ben and the others were waiting at the station Jack was bringing the people to... do you think Juliet set this up?
I am also looking forward to the special about the secrets of Lost. Don't think it will tide me over until January, though. sigh
I hope Juliet didn't set it up. How else he could have found out, though, I don't know.
I watched the special last night. They didn't really tell us all that much, but one thing they said that made my ears perk up was this: that they are not in purgatory and nor are they ghosts. They are very much alive "somehwere in the space-time continuum". !! The dual timeline theory is getting stronger...
The parachute woman's ship was still off shore. I assume those women with the guns were her shipmates.
Also, I was reminded in the Thursday night special about the answer to our abortion question. Juliet told Ben on the rocks that the trouble happens at the moment of conception.
Really, Michael?? You don't think those women are Dharma or Others or whatever? Interesting...
I could easily be wrong... I often am, and that's why I love this show!
Man, I didn't even consider that the women were from the ship! That's an interesting theory! See, that's why this show can always surprise me...
Mike, if those are women from Naomi's ship, how do you think they got there?
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