You know, I was going to use a screencap of Linderman's face as DL squeezed his brain, but after careful reflection (with one hand over my eyes) I came to the conclusion that it was far too disturbing. Awesome, but disturbing nonetheless.
This episode had quite the body count! Dead or apparently dead: Ted, Johnson, Linderman and DL. And was Parkman shot, too? The only two that I really believe are dead at this point are Ted and Johnson (Eric Roberts). Linderman has that healing power, and I think DL may have still been alive, albeit barely, when we last saw him. Even so, I was surprised at all the killing! Does this mean that no one will die in the finale? Or does it mean that they've only just begun the slaughter?
I was right about Micah and the voting machines. I wonder what Candace looks like for real? Maybe she'll get killed in the finale by Sylar (which is what happens, according to the future we saw) and right before she dies we'll get to see what a hideous form she really has right before she keels over?
Do you think that Nathan sending DL and Jessica to Linderman was what FutureSylar referred to as betraying his own kind? Or is there something else?
How cool was Hiro's dad? I'm so glad he's a good guy. I wonder if there was a split in the previous generation of Heroes, with Linderman and Mrs. Petrelli going to the dark side, and Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Petrelli on the good side? I really hope that Ando doesn't get killed. Really.
How did Peter get those annoying bangs back so quickly?! He's not so hot to me anymore.
Next week: the season finale! "Boom."
Gina, Holly and I were wondering about Peter's bad bangs, too... annoying is right.
Now you have me thinking about what Candace really looks like.I never thought about her looking like anything else - remember, I'm from the slow class. ;)
I am interested in what happened with all of the people in the previous generation, but I hope it isn't the focus of next year.
For some reason, I feel like I must have been struggling to stay awake or something - when I'm thinking about the show now, I have some fuzzy parts. Perhaps tonight is the night for a rewatch. I need to be ready for the finale.
Re: Candace - It wasn't until this episode that they made it clear that she is altering how people see her, Krys.
Well, didn't she make herself look like Nikki to get Micah to go to Linderman's place? I knew she could do it, but I never thought of her looking any different from the 'real' Candace we saw.
(Or am I totally wrong about which character Candace even is? That wouldn't surprise me, either!)
It would seem -- and I am only guessing -- that Hiro has to kill Ando to prove he's ready, just as the warrior in the story had to cut out his own heart.
Of course, I HOPE not.
Hiro kill Ando? BITE YOUR TONGUE for suggesting that! I could not accept that.
And Gina, like Krys, I thought we knew that Candace could shape shift. Are we confusing her with someone else? I never considered that she might have another "true" form, though...
It would certainly explain why Future Hiro is such a buzzkill
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