"In an exclusive interview Thursday with CNN, Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, said some areas have seen 'breathtaking' improvements, thanks to a push launched in January to pacify Baghdad and surrounding provinces."
Apparently, he didn't read the blurb at the top of the page:
He's also hinted he might not be ready to report in September after all. The balls on these people.
By the way, in areas where the troops are actually concentrated, violence is down 90%. Just as, when I was growing up, if my parents were in the room, horseplay was down 100%.
Everywhere else in Iraq, it's Mad Max. They're fooling themselves, and the kids who are stationed in those areas are getting killed.
It would be a great strategy IF we were able to station troops there in mass numbers forever. Or just move a small number of troops from area to area, playing whack-a-mole.
And if the Iraqis would actually step up and start getting serious about dealing with these security problems,we wouldn't have to be everywhere. Hell, we wouldn't have to be there at all anymore.
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