Cuse said the mobisodes, about 90 seconds each, will give hardcore "Lost" viewers more information that they probably weren't going to get through the show itself. What it won't be, they said, was a mini version of "Lost."
"It needs to be interesting enough and well produced enough that people feel they're getting enough bang for their buck, even if it's free, the bang for their time," Lindelof said.
Lindelof said the negotiations for the talent took a long time, but they wanted to make sure that all of them were involved in the mobisodes.
"Nobody wanted to see two people sitting on a beach that we've never heard of talking and saying, 'Hey, did you hear what Jack and Kate did today?' You want to see Jack and Kate. It's taken us three years to get those deals in place," Lindelof said.
Is that pronounced like "moe-bisodes" or like "mob-isodes"? I don't think I like either pronunciation. It's kind of a stupid word. Anwyay, I wonder if they'll be available via iTunes?
And just because it's been way too long since I've seen his pretty face...
They're moe-bisodes -- as in mobile -- unless they're for the Sopranos.
Here's how bad my withdrawal is going: I just bought these:
See, and I would have guessed "mobi-sodes" as in mobius strips.
Jill, I think your pronunciation and Mike's are the same!
Mike, those dolls are amazing! They did a really great job with them.
I know nothing about collectibles, but I do know that those McFarlane dolls are always amazing. The Simpsons ones are really cool, too.
That's how much I love LOST: I am literally playing with dolls.
And yes, Jill, we're saying it the same way. Are you trying to gaslight me?? :)
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