The individual story threads are starting to come together...
Mohinder takes Molly, who is still very sick from her encounter with the Nightmare Man last week, in to the Company, where he thinks she can be best looked after. Man, for a professor, Mohinder is not very smart. While there, Bob tells him that he needs to leave Molly in their care and go out in the field to retrieve a Hero. Bob gives him a taser, in case the target is not willing to come along peacefully. That taser comes in handy about 5 seconds later when Nikki bursts in and attacks Bob. Nikki's tasered and then strapped to a bed. Mohinder wants to save her but she tells him that she wants to stay. Bob is curing her, she says. Apparently she's there for her Multiple Personality Disorder. I was really hoping she was going to have the virus.
It seems that Monica's ability is not just restricted to what she sees on TV - she is a "muscle mimic" and can copy any physical activity she sees. That's according to Micah, who figures out Monica's secret and tells her about his parents' powers and that he thinks they are meant to do something special. He shows her a 9th Wonders comic with the sillouhette of a kung-fu-kicking female hero on the cover, with the title, "Who is St. Joan?" (BTW, who is drawing the comic now that Isaac is dead?) Later that night, Monica is picking up some Bruce Lee moves from the TV when the doorbell rings. It's Mohinder on an errand from The Company. Dun-dun- DUN.
The Wandering Rocks is the dullest, most empty Oirish pub I have ever seen. There's never anyone in it!
Anyway, a lot happens with Peter. A young blonde woman named Elle shows up at the dockyards, looking for Peter in the shipping container. Will tells her that Peter's at the pub and you can't miss him because there's never anyone in there. As she leaves she runs her hand along the side of a container and jolts of electricity dance between her hands and the container. I think I know where Peter got that ability from. Some old drunk gives Ricky and Peter a heads-up about the blonde girl, so Ricky sends Peter to Caitlin's and stays behind to deal with Ms. Mars. Caitlin it seems, is a painter, and when he sees a blank canvas in her flat, Peter pulls an Isaac and goes all white-eyed and paint-y. He paints a street scene, from either Paris or Montreal by the look of the French street signs, with a man and woman standing outside a door that has the Godsend symbol on the wall above it. Oh, and while at Caitlin's Peter also finally opens that damn box, only to find his driver's license, his passport, a photo of him and Nathan together and an airline ticket from New York to Montreal. (If I were Peter and I saw that picture, I would totally wonder if I was gay before I lost my memory)
While all this is going on at Caitlin's, Elle shows up at the Wandering Rocks looking for Peter. Ricky says he's never seen Peter, but Elle doesn't believe him. She fries him like the Emperor fried Darth Vader and finds out where Peter is; however, before she gets a chance to go into Caitlin's apartment and get Peter, she talks to her father (Bob?) on the phone, who chastises her for killing Ricky and tells her to come home (I'm making assumptions, btw - we only ever hear Elle's side of the conversation). When Caitlin and Peter find out that Ricky is dead, Peter decides it's time to stop hiding. Finally.
We get another small update on Hiro's activity when Ando brings damaged scrolls from the sword to some guy who can clean them up for him. All they basically say is that he continues helping Kensei to succeed at his trials in the lead up to saving Yaeko's father from White Beard. When we last hear from Hiro, Kensei, Hiro and Yaeko are about to attack White Beard's army and Kensei and Yaeko are deeper in love.
Parkman chickens out and avoids going directly after his father, even though he nearly killed Molly to get his location, and decides that he should interrogate Mrs. Petrelli first, since she was in the photo with his dad. She tells him nothing. Nathan's at the police station and Parkman tells him that he has to go to Philadelphia to find his father and make him fix what he did to Molly. Nathan talks him into letting him tag along (yay!). There's a joke about Nathan and Matt flying together to Philly, and I'm not sure whether or not they did, but boy am I glad we didn't see that!
They find the elder Parkman (Maury) at the address that Molly gave. (I must comment on how incredibly hot Nathan looks in these apartment scenes.) Maury says that he also got a photo of himself with the Godsend symbol on it and that he's afraid for his life. Parkman and Nathan demand that he tell them everything about the past and the Company. Maury ends up leading Parkman and Nathan into a part of the apartment where he traps them in their own worst nightmares: Parkman is stuck in jail and has abandoned his own child, just like his father; and Nathan is on Deveaux's roof, looking at out a post-apocalyptic New York he thought he had saved, fighting with his radiation-burned doppelganger. Parkman figures out what's going on and uses his mental power to pull them both out of their respective illusions, but not before Maury leaves with an evil smile on his face.
In the mess from the fight, Nathan finds a photo of Bob with the Godsend symbol on it, so he and Parkman leave to go save Bob from Maury.
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