
TV Talk

Pusing Daisies - It's like a fractured fairytale, like Edward Scissorhands or Amelie or pretty much anything Tim Burton's done (except not so monochromatic) and I really enjoyed it. There's no question that this one is getting a season pass on the DVR. I am concerned about one thing: even if it's a hit, I'm afraid it may still be at risk simply because of its production values. ABC must be spending an awful lot of money on it.

Aliens in America - Sorry to say, I'm done with this one. It's not horrible, just nothing I haven't seen before and could relate to when I was at least 20 years younger.


~J said...

I liked the second ep of Pushing Daisies quite a bit more than the first episode. I laughed out loud a couple of times, even!

Aliens in America--I'm still with it. Laughed out loud at that one, too.

And now Life....I'm not yet in love with Life....but I'm pretty close.

Anonymous said...

I loved the first ep of Pushing Daisies, but I fell asleep during tonight's ep. It wasn't because I wasn't interested... Something to do with BSG marathons making me tired, perhaps? I woke up at 9:15, but decided to put on Bionic Woman and save Pushing Daisies until the morning.
As for Bionic Woman, I really wish they'd change it to Bionic Women. I feel like it's gotten better each week, but I don't know how much interest it will hold for me when the original bionic woman disappears.

gina said...

I tried watching Life the first night it was on. It was an excellent scene where the main character shoots the kid in the apartment, and his partner freaks out because she's got cocaine all over her and she jumps in the shower...but there's just something about that lead actor. He kind of skeeves, for some reason. I think it's his mouth.

Not a very good reason to not watch, but there ya have it. What can I say? I'm shallow. ;)