OK, I want to start things off by retracting all of my complaints about Peter last season - his annoying hair, his annoying earnestness and sensitivity - just him being generally annoying because damn! The transformation has been amazing: The mastery of his powers, the buff body, the glorious haircut - it's like he's a different person. Unfortunately I think he's different for a bad reason, like maybe he's got a little side job killing off the previous generation of Heroes, but he's not aware he's doing it...anyway, on to the recap.
Parkman's first case as an NYPD detective is the mysterious murder of a wealthy Japanese corporate executive? Wow. Way to go , Parkman. He finds out that Mrs. Petrelli is a known associate of Kaito's, so he brings her in for questioning. There's an awesome scene where Parkman reads her mind and she figures out what he's doing and screams (mentally) for him to get the hell out. Oh, and it seems Mrs. P and Kaito got it on way back in the day. As Sulu would say, "Oh, MY!" Nathan shows up at the police station with really big hair to bail her out. We're reminded that Parkman knows him from TX but doesn't know that he's a Hero. Suddenly, Mrs. P is attacked by an invisible man, but Nathan and Parkman get to her before she's killed and the invisible man (or person, I should say) escapes.
The Company sends Mohinder to Haiti to tend to a Hero who has contracted the virus. The Hero is the Haitian, funnily enough. Mohinder cures him, has his memory wiped, but then it turns out that it was all part of a plan he and Bennett cooked up and Mohinder was just faking about the memory loss. When Mohinder comes home from Haiti and tucks Molly in, I half expect him to give Parkman a kiss on the forehead.
Peter is still in Ireland, and is being held bare-chested against his will by Ricky and his boys in their pub. Of course they're in a pub, where else would they be in Ireland? Anyway, Ricky and his buds aren't the smartest thugs around and they try to beat the location of the iPods out of Peter, who still has no idea who he is or how he ended up handcuffed in the container. Peter escapes his restraints by phasing through them while looking very hot, but instead of sneaking out the back window, he does the heroic thing and saves Ricky's sister Caitlin from an assault by some bad guys who had come looking for Ricky. You'd think this would score points with Ricky but unfortunately one of the guys that Peter beat up is the son of McSorley, the dude who's looking for the iPods. Ricky tells Peter that to make up for the mess he's made, he has to help them score a big pile of money that they'll give to McSorley to appease him. Peter balks, but Ricky pulls out an ornately carved box that was found in the container with Peter and tells him that all of his personal information is in it. Ricky will give it to Peter if he helps him.
Back in 1671, Hiro has to save the day, so he puts on Kensei's warrior suit and mask and uses his power to stop time and disarm the bandits and generally freak them out. The swordsmith's daughter (Yaeko, I think?) is greatly impressed and there's a pretty scene where they start to fall in love with each other in a cherry blossom orchard. Hiro has kept his mask on, however, so Yaeko thinks that she is in love with Sark. They go back to the village and Hiro tells Sarkensei that they have to rescue Yaeko's father. Sarkensei doesn't see why he should, until Yaeko walks in all dreamy-like and gives him a reason. As they leave the building they are in, they are surrounding by the bandits again, who this time are able to get off a few good arrow shots, one of which hits Sarkensei directly in the heart. He lies on the ground, dying, losing a lot of blood, when something happens...the wound closes and heals right before Hiro's eyes! Sarkensei is a Hero. Is he the first?
Claire is still trying to fly under the radar at school and not being all that successful, what with the intelligent questions about genetics and regeneration in biology class and her car getting stolen and all. West tries to encourage her interest in genetics and evolution by showing her a book on the subject by none other than Dr. Suresh, but she shrugs it off. Claire's frustrated and tells her father that she wants to see what she can really do, that maybe she can be put to use to help people to heal or maybe even grow back body parts, but he tells her to be strong. If the bad guys got their hands on her, they would treat her like a lab rat and she would be in a worse "cage" than she's in now. Still, Claire's curiosity gets the better of her and one night while she's giving herself a pedicure she pulls out a pair of scissors and cuts off her freaking pinky toe!! Ping! How awesome was that? She watches the stump, begging it to grow back, and for a minute, it seems like it won't. But then it does. West the stalker just happened to be peeping through the window at her when it did, though. Claire sees him and runs out of the house after him. He flies away before she gets to him, leaving behind Suresh's book.
Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett check out the front page of a newspaper on which there is a photograph of Kaito's dead body on the pavement. Mr. B shows Mrs. B a painting that Isaac did that is an exact replica of the photograph. He tells her that Isaac painted 8 more just like it - of the deaths of the Nine that Kaito mentioned last week, I assume - and he's going to find them all. We end with Bennett at Copy Kingdom. He hears the front door, turns and awesomely says to the Haitian: "Welcome to Copy Kingdom, how can I help you?" Back together again.
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