
Big Deal

Female contestant emerges as favorite in Ultimate Couch Potato competition: "'I'm real proud of her,' said her mother, Linda Wagenblast, 53. 'She has the drive - that's her personality.'"

See now, in my day, sitting on a couch for hours watching TV was indicative of a lack of drive.

I was born in the wrong era.


Anonymous said...

I consider myself one hell of a couch potato, but her 'task' was to watch SPORTS uninterrupted. I would so lose at that.

gina said...

You know what, you're probably right - just making it through an entire game (of anything except baseball and maybe college basketball) would do me in, lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure it's the one bathroom break every eight hours that would do me in ;)


gina said...

LOL, I think you are probably right, Hol.