OK, this one? Not quite as thrilling as last week's, but still good. It felt like old times watching it - just a regular, island-based story with hatches and Others and good, old-fashioned flashbacks - except we actually got a decent amount of information. And some pretty good laughs, I have to say.
I only have a couple of negative comments, so I'll get them out of the way first:
- How stupid was Kate? She saw that they were lying about the sat phone being out of battery power, yet she said nothing, demanded to see what's in Daniel's bag, and turned her back on Charlotte. She deserved to be conked on the head.
- That scene in the power station with Daniel and Juliet and Charlotte and the fighting and the typing and the countdown was very suspenseful, yes. Unfortunately, I was completely taken out of the action by two things: 1) there is no way Daniel would have been able to type with those big-ass gloves on and 2) for whatever reason, Juliet and Charlotte's fight made me laugh. That whole scene felt like something out of a 70s action show, like The Bionic Woman or something.
Other than those things, I really enjoyed it. Especially Benry. It was like Revenge of the Nerds meets The Bad Seed. I was pretty sure before this that he had a thing for Juliet but seeing the way he looked at her last night and that whole "BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE" scene, well, it was really disconcerting, to say the least.
He still has the best lines in the show.
"This one didn't by any chance have a number on it, did it?" Bwah!
"See you at dinner!" He really looked SO pleased with himself, didn't he?
I was thinking about how much of what Benry says is the truth, and how much is manipulation, and I think we have to believe most of what he said last night, especially the part about Widmore (yay! I was right!). He needs to give John something concrete in order to win back his trust so he can start messing with his head again. As someone wise once said, " A lie is most convincingly hidden between 2 truths."
Benry cooking that ham dinner was priceless. He was so happy, the poor, deluded tyrant.
Harper is scary. So we had whispers announcing her arrival and departure - do we think she traveled via smoke monster? (whatever that means) Is she still alive? Or was it her dead self? And don't you think Jack should have been a little bit more freaked out when she just disappeared like that?
Why do they keep showing John with blood on his hands? And does Miles still have that grenade in his mouth?
So Juliet loves Jack, who loves Kate (and maybe Juliet, too), who seems to love Jack but is also sleeping with Sawyer, who loves Kate and hates Jack. Why are they making this so complicated?
And one last thing. Check out this image of the map that Charlotte and Daniel were using to get to The Tempest station (click on it):
A few items about the map:
- The Tempest station is just to the right of Daniel's left thumb
- Does "C" stand for Camp? What does the "H" in the bottom right corner stand for?
- My best guess at the note on the bottom right: "8N 33E, FOLLOW THE RIVER TO THE EAST (?) END OF THE [can't read the word] + HEAD DUE EAST (?) TOWARDS THE SMALLER MOUNTAIN RANGE. HELIPAD (?) FOUND JUST NORTH OF MOUNTAINS"
- There's an arrow pointing to a mountain pass at the top of the map, with the note "POSSIBLE PATH THROUGH NORTHERN MOUNTAINS"
What it all means, I don't know, but it seems pretty clear from the map that they're looking for more than just The Tempest.
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