Oy. I knew this was going to happen. I didn't want to get so behind on these recaps, but I have, and now I'm sick on top of it. Oy.
This episode was about Juliet, and the title describes her in several ways:: she was the other woman in Harper and Goodwin's marriage; she's the other woman in the Jack/Kate relationship; and she's an "Other" and a woman.
Juliet has just recently arrived on the island and is sent to talk to a therapist, something I guess all new arrivees have to do (how often does someone new arrive?). Her therapist's name is Harper and she has some seriously crazy eyebrows and she is a bit hostile. Tom arrives during the session and says that Benry wants to see Juliet. Tom brings Juliet to a house and Benry is standing on the front porch, holding flowers for her. He says that the house is for her and is fully furnished. It even comes with its own opera collection.
Some time later Juliet meets Goodwin when he comes to her lab and needs her to treat his arm, which he says he burned by leaning against a hot transformer in the power station. They chat a little and when Juliet starts getting snarky about Harper, Goodwin reveals that Harper is his wife. Oops. Juliet makes a deal with him: If he doesn't tell Harper what Juliet said about her, she won't tell anyone that he actually has a chemical burn on his arm.
More time has passed and Benry and Juliet are in her lab discussing the pregnancy issue and Benry is totally mooning over her when Goodwin shows up with lunch for Juliet. Awk. Ward. Juliet has a therapy session with Harper later on and Harper tells Juliet that she knows that Juliet has been sleeping with her husband because she has followed them and watched them with her crazy eyebrows. She warns Juliet that they had better stop or there will be consequences, and she doesn't want Goodwin to get hurt. Juliet doesn't understand and Harper and her crazy eyebrows are all "Duh, Benry is totally in love with you and will seriously kill anyone who gets in his way!" Harper tells Juliet it's because she "looks just like her." Like Annie, perhaps?
Juliet and Goodwin go on a date to the beach and they talk about Harper and her crazy eyebrows and chemical burns and power stations and maybe calling off their relationship because of what Benry might do. Goodwin wonders what Benry could possibly do to him? Famous last words, dude.
Next we see Flight 815 break apart in the sky over the island and the scene we've seen before, of Benry sending Ethan and Goodwin (aha!) off to collect information and people from the various sections of the plane. Goodwin is sent off to the tail section, and we all know how well that turned out for him.
While Goodwin is gone, Benry invites Juliet over for a "dinner party", but neglects to tell her that the guest list includes just her and Benry. It's a good thing she brought a couple dozen dinner rolls. Being the Casanova that he is, Benry fixes a romantic HAM dinner. I'm still laughing about that. He's very chipper and just floating around the room, just high on love, when Juliet totally brings him down by asking when Goodwin would be coming back. Benry tells her to quit yapping and eat her ham.
Another day. Juliet is telling Benry about Jack being a spinal surgeon, and isn't that lucky because of his tumor and all, but he doesn't show any excitement. Instead, he tells her he has something to show her. He brings her to the site where Ana Lucia killed Goodwin and shows her his very dead body. Juliet is distraught and accuses Benry of knowing this would happen to Goodwin. She asks him why he would do such a thing and Benry passionately (and creepily) replies, "Because YOUR MINE!" He then coldly tells her to take as much time as she needs to say goodbye to Goodwin and walks back up the hill like a huge NERD.
On the Island
Beach camp. The gang realizes that Daniel and Charlotte are missing, so Jack and Juliet head out to find them. It begins to pour rain as they trek through the jungle. After Jack and Juliet become separated, Juliet hears the whispers. Suddenly, Harper and her crazy eyebrows are standing in front of Juliet. Harper says she has a message for Juliet from Benry: Daniel and Charlotte are on their way to the Tempest power station where they are going to try to release a deadly gas. He wants Juliet to go there and stop them before they kill everyone on the island. In fact, he wants her to kill them. When Juliet asks how it's possible that Benry is able to send her a message through Harper considering Locke is holding him prisoner, Harper says he's exactly where he wants to be. Of course he is! Anyway, Jack shows up and demands to know who Harper is and then the whispers start again. Jack and Juliet look around them to see where they are coming from and when they turn back Harper and her crazy eyebrows are gone. Juliet conveys Harper's message to Jack and he agrees to help Juliet.
On her way back from the totalitarian state of Lockonia, Kate comes across Daniel and Charlotte. Being the criminal mastermind that she is, Kate completely lets her guard down and gets knocked unconscious by Charlotte.
The Barracks. Claire approaches Locke - whose hands are bloody yet again from killing a rabbit - and suggests that she talk to Miles. Locke doesn't like the idea but Claire convinces him that perhaps it's time to try a different approach, Mr. Bloody Hands.
Locke brings a meal of rabbit to Benry who hilariously asks, "This one didn't by any chance have a number on it, did it?" Benry gets all the good lines. Benry starts playing mind games with Locke again and asks to be allowed to stay in one of the houses instead of being locked away in a basement. Locke says that Benry will have to give him information in return.
Locke takes Benry upstairs where Benry opens a wall safe. He takes from it a videotape marked "Red Sox". He pops the tape in and explains to Locke what he is seeing: It's Charles Widmore and he's captured one of Benry's men, who is blindfolded and getting beaten on the tape. Benry says that Widmore owns the freighter and he wants to exploit the island. He takes a folder from the safe and gives it to Locke, saying that it contains all the information he could gather on Widmore. Locke wants to know one more thing: Who is Benry's man on the boat? Benry says he'll tell him but he might want to sit down first. And then they end the scene.
Jungle. Jack and Juliet come across Kate, who is just regaining consciousness. Juliet sneaks off on her own while Jack is tending to Kate.
Juliet reaches the Tempest station and makes her way inside. She finds Daniel in a hazmat suit, frantically typing at a computer. She points her gun at him and tells him to stop what he's doing, but he tells her that he's not trying to release the gas - he's trying to render it inert. Then Charlotte jumps Juliet from behind and they start fighting it out in the background as Daniel keeps typing frantically. There's a computer countdown playing over the scene, too. It's all very suspenseful but for some reason it made me laugh. Danial successful disables the gas and no one dies.
When Charlotte and Juliet exit the Tempest they find Jack and Kate outside. Kate goes back inside with Charlotte to see what the dealio is and Jack stays outside with Juliet. She tells Jack that the freighter people are there to wage war with Benry, and Benry will win and when he does, Jack had better not be anywhere near her because Benry knows how Juliet feels about Jack. They kiss. Jack says that if he wants to, Benry knows where to find him.
Barracks. Hurley and Sawyer are playing horseshoes. Suddenly, they see Benry, merrily trotting along with a pile of clean clothes in his arms. As they stare at him, he smiles and says, "See you at dinner!" and then walks into one of the houses.
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