Michael doesn't inspire me very much, but I have to say that this was a very good episode.
The hour flew by for me, which I think was a reflection of the very good pacing of story. Harold Perrineau did an amazing job conveying Michael's despair. I found myself really feeling sorry for him.
How about Libby?? I knew I recognized her voice. Nice touch having her carrying blankets like she was when Michael killed her.
So Tom is gay! Or, was gay. He did say that Kate wasn't his type. And you can add him to the list of people who could travel to and from the island.
I couldn't believe it when that little flag popped up on the bomb! Benry is the undisputed king of psychological manipulation. Man, that was harsh! Since the flag read "NOT YET", does that mean that Michael will eventually set off the bomb?
Wasn't it nice of that guy to take a really long time to find that wrench so that Michael could tell Sayid and Desmond what he's been doing for the past month?
I really hope that Karl is the one that the promos said would die and that Danielle is only mostly dead. I just don't feel like we've gotten the whole story on her and I like the way she puts Benry in his place. Who do you think shot them? Have the freighter people already arrived? Or did Benry send them into a trap, hoping to kill off his only competition for Alex's affection? Speaking of Alex, she looks like she's been going to the Barracks salon, doesn't she?
Last, but most certainly not least, a brothah in repose:

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