The New York Times:
“Lost,” which concludes its fourth season on ABC on Thursday night, refuses our passive interest while it denies us the satisfaction of ever feeling that we might confidently explain, to the person sitting next to us at dinner, that we have a true grasp of what is going on — of who among the characters is merely bad and who is verifiably satanic. To watch “Lost” is to feel like a high school grind, studying and analyzing and never making it to Yale. Good dramas confound our expectations, but “Lost,” about a factionalized group of plane crash survivors on a cartographically indeterminate island not anything like Aruba, pushes further, destabilizing the ground on which those expectations might be built. It is an opiate, and like all opiates, it produces its own masochistic delirium. Someone needs to put her thesaurus down. It's obvious that she watches the show, but I can't tell if she likes it. Can you?
Nice promotional photo that came with the article, though:

To help get you psyched for tonight's season finale, I give you what is quite possibly the scariest LOST quiz ever:

Scary because there are people who got a perfect score, which means that they know the answers to questions like "What is the name of Tom Brennan's son?"
Uh, I want to know who Tom Brennan is! My score: 1080 out of 3900, and of those that I answered correctly, at least 50% were wild guesses.
Have fun watching the show tonight.
Anyone who could write the phrase a "cartographically indeterminate island not anything like Aruba" is a tool. What's wrong with "mysterious, uncharted island"?
And you are DEFINITELY not stupid.
As for last night's finale, I love it so much I might marry it.
I sympathize with her wanting to sound smarter by using big words, I went thru that phase myself. Unfortunately, the use of words you have only known the meaning of for a few minutes, since you looked them up in the Thesaurus, only tends to obfuscate and anger people, generally , I have learned LOL
I liked the ep, but must have missed where they explained the smoke monster, as promised. :(
Hey, guys!
I'm glad it wasn't just me. That was the most ridiculous exercise in toolishness I have ever read. I admit to sometimes having a tenuous grasp of basic grammar but she just tossed all the rules out the window, lol.
Johnny, I didn't realize they promised to explain the smoke monster. I would have liked to have seen that but I have to say that I was supremely satisfied with what we got.
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