Cabin Fever
This season has been amazing for the same reason The Sopranos first season was its best: The show's creator's have a limited time frame in which to tell their story. David Chase wrote the first 13 episodes of The Sopranos as if that was all he was going to get to tell his story. And now the LOST writers know how much time they have left (2 short seasons) and know how the story ends, so they can stop stretching the plot beyond its breaking point in order to make the story last through an untold number of future television seasons. I'm sure there will still be some filler here and there but "Cabin Fever"? Not an ounce of fat on this one.
- Many people have suspected that it is no coincidence that these people in particular wound up on this island, and it looks like they were right, at least with regard to Locke. I gasped when I saw Richard at the nursery window. Some have speculated that he's "ageless", but I'm thinking he's just time traveling. Why do you think he became so angry when John chose the knife? From what we know of Locke, choosing the knife as something that "belongs to him" makes sense. I read that this test was similar to the one they give to the next Dalai Lama, to the boy they believe is the DL reincarnated. Is John Locke the reincarnation of someone?
- And then Abbadon was also key to getting John to the island! But I had assumed that Widmore, who Abbadon works for, and The Others (whose interest I assume Richard represents) were at cross-purposes...Maybe Widmore wanted John because he failed the test?
- I thought Doug Hutchison was creepy as Tooms, and then I saw him as Horace. Dude! That entire dream sequence was so wild, and so well done.
- Hurley and Benry sharing the candy bar is right up there with the all-time best LOST moments.
- The death-of-the-ship's-doctor timeline is beyond my grasp right now. I thought that the island was behind regular time, not ahead of it. That Keamey is one scary dude, especially with those little chipmunk cheeks and chicklet teeth. And what's he got strapped to his arm? I read that it might be a "dead man's switch" - that it detects his heart beat and if his heart stops beating it will detonate a bomb somewhere.
- The book that Keamey took from the ship's safe, the one that had "Protocol 2" on it, had a big DHARMA symbol on it. I think that pretty much confirms Widmore's connection to DHARMA.
- Christian Shephard was in the cabin. With Claire. W.T.F. If Christian is dead, does that mean that Claire is, too? It has to be significant that they are related to each other - do you think they are related to Jacob? I get so freaked out whenever they go in that cabin. It's a scary place.
- "Move the island"??? Move it through time? Or through space? Benry did tell Widmore that he would never find the island again - perhaps because they "moved" it?

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