It's been a while since I've seen this, and the details are kind of fuzzy, but I wanted to at least post something about it before tomorrow night's season finale. (BTW, tomorrow night is the season finale! Woo!)
Typical of the first half of a 2-parter, this episode spent all of its time moving characters into place and setting the stage for the action to come in the finale. But what I couldn't believe was how suspenseful it was! I really was on the edge of my seat while I was watching it.
I loved the opening sequence, the flash forward that showed the Oceanic 6 - Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sun, Hurley and Aaron - reunited with their families. Even though there's still so much we don't understand about the circumstances under which they left the island, and even though we know that their futures off-island end up fairly grim, it was still very moving to see them back with their families. Except for poor Kate, whose lack of a welcoming family probably explains her subsequent bond with Aaron.
Here's what I can't figure out: How do the Oceanic 6, who at the end of the episode, were scattered all over the place and with other people who don't get off the island, end up as the people who do get off the island? Sayid and Kate are with Richard and the Others, Jack and Sayid are with Sawyer and Frank at the helicopter site, and Sun and Aaron are on the freighter. I'm dying to know how they end up together. And what happens to the people they are with.
A few random thoughts:
I loved the music in this episode, especially at the end.
The best lines: "Jesus Christ is not a weapon" (I'll have that on a t-shirt, please) and "Those (crackers) are 15 years old."
How much money did Sun get in her settlement that she was able to buy a controlling interest in her father's company?
Has Daniel been to the island before? Why does he have a drawing of the Orchid symbol in his notebook?

I have a VERY bad feeling about the fate of Desmond, considering when we left him he was in a room full of C4 explosive with Michael, who is trying to kill himself, and Jin who we have been told died before Sun left the island. I can deal with Michael dying, and even though I don't like it, I've been preparing myself for Jin's death, but...I don't think I could handle it if they kill Desmond. I really don't. I mean, look at him:

Besides, he can't die without seeing Penny. Not after all he has been through.
Since they made a point of showing that Benry has his trusty baton of death with him:

I'm thinking that he will end up putting on Hallowax's parka with the Orchid symbol on it and "jumping" from the Orchid station at the end of the finale and into the desert in Tunisia, where we saw him land in "The Shape of Things to Come".
Just how Locke is going to be able to "move" the island will hopefully be revealed tomorrow night. I don't know what "moving" the island entails, but I do have a theory that before they are rescued, Locke will be successful in moving the island and to the O6 it will appear as if the island - and everyone on it - has disappeared. And that is why they think they can't go back. And it's possibly why Sun said to Jack on the Coast Guard plane that they were all in shock.
I can't wait for tomorrow night. Remember the finale begins at 9:00 PM and is two hours long!
1 comment:
I just remembered that Benry gave his trust baton of death to Locke before he surrendered to Keamy. So now he doesn't have it with him. Hmm.
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