
Cuse and Lindelof Speak!

Mo Ryan has posted an amazing 3-part, in-depth interview with LOST producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, in which they say a whole heck of a lot but spoil nothing. It is in my opinion required reading for anyone looking forward to the final season.

I am trying my best to get through these last twenty or so episodes before Tuesday night, but for the first time since I started The Great LOST Rewatch, I'm being to get discouraged. Unless I'm able to watch almost all of season 5 on Sunday, I don't think I'm going to make it. Whether or not I succeed, I am definitely enjoying myself. With the help of hindsight and the ability to watch episodes in quick succession, all of the little irritations and frustrations that I had while watching in real time..? *POOF*. Gone. And I'm so glad that I won't be carrying them with me when the final season begins.

I have been posting #TheGreatLOSTRewatch updates to Facebook and Twitter as I've gone along, and once I finish I will gather them all here in a post for your reading pleasure.

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