A few things I jotted down while watching...
WTF was the meaning of Charlie's "Save the Baby" dream anyway? I didn't like that episode the first time it aired, and I still don't.
In "The Long Con", during that great final scene with Hurley and Sayid on the beach listening to "Moonlight Serenade" on the radio, they have this conversation:
Sayid: "Radio frequencies like this bounce off the ionosphere. They could be coming from anywhere."
Hurley: "Or any time. Just kidding, man."
Right you are, Hurley! I wonder if they were picking up a radio transmission across time, from when the Army was on the Island in 1954, the time of "Jughead"?
"Two For The Road" - I don't think I ever put together the name of the episode with the two real-life DUI cases that got killed off in it (Libby and Ana Lucia). Hehe. On a more serious note, the scene where Michael shoots both of them was still just as powerful, even knowing what was coming.
On a LOST-related note, I was watching "The Fugitive" off and on Sunday when it hit me: That's where I know Rose from! She was Poole, one of Sam Gerard's junior marshals.
Finally, while I love them all, I really think that Benry was the best thing that ever happened to this show.
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