Walt and Hurley are playing a game of backgammon on the beach. When Hurley walks away, Walt says, "You owe me twenty thousand dollars!" To that Hurley replies, "You'll get it." A reference to Hurley's lottery winnings WAY before they were revealed in "Numbers" (S1E18)
Other random thoughts:
I miss all the running through the jungle. They did that well.
Another thing that has struck me is how early Boone and Locke found the Hatch. (also in E11) I was thinking as I've been watching that the entire time Locke and Boone were digging around and trying to get in, Desmond was down in that hatch.
In "Homecoming" (S1E15), Ethan attacks the camp from the water. Did the writers already have in mind the Looking Glass Station?? They must have, because Sayid has already discovered the power cable on the beach by E9. Cool.
Also in "Homecoming", the girl Lucy, from Charlie's flashback, the one with the rich father that he tries to con...I just overheard her say, "I think he's buying some paper company up in Slough..." Was that a shout-out to The Office (UK)?
I miss all the running through the jungle. They did that well.
Another thing that has struck me is how early Boone and Locke found the Hatch. (also in E11) I was thinking as I've been watching that the entire time Locke and Boone were digging around and trying to get in, Desmond was down in that hatch.
In "Homecoming" (S1E15), Ethan attacks the camp from the water. Did the writers already have in mind the Looking Glass Station?? They must have, because Sayid has already discovered the power cable on the beach by E9. Cool.
Also in "Homecoming", the girl Lucy, from Charlie's flashback, the one with the rich father that he tries to con...I just overheard her say, "I think he's buying some paper company up in Slough..." Was that a shout-out to The Office (UK)?
Alright back to watching. Only 9 more episodes to go and Season 1 is in the can!
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