The Substitute"This is the weirdest damn funeral I've ever been to."~ Frank Lapidus
You know, I'm torn between wanting them to do more with Frank's character, because I love him so much, or them just leaving things as they are and giving him the best lines. Because he really does have the best lines. (well, him and Ben)
This episode was SO good, and I've got tons to say about it, and I am MUCHO busy today. This will have to be brief, but I will try to hit on the major stuff. And I will be referring to Island Locke as MIBLocke (man in black).
The directing and cinematography choices, particularly in the alt-timeline, were very well done. A lot of the camera angles were from John's POV - in the wheel chair, the bathtub, on the front lawn - which I think added to the story. And on the flip side, we got MIBLocke/Smokey's POV as he flew (? how do you describe how a smoke monster gets around?) across the Island, scanning the jungle and the old Dharma Village, which I thought was very cool.

The first thought that came to mind when MIBLocke saw the blonde kid was that it was Aaron. Now I'm not so sure. Was it Jacob? And if it was Jacob, who made these rules he's talking about? I always thought that Aaron was important in some way to the larger story, though, so I'm going to stick with that theory for now. I wonder why he had blood on his hands the first time MIBLocke saw him (pictured), but not the second? Why could Sawyer see him, when Richard couldn't? Poor Richard. If
he's that frightened, there's got to be some bad shit about to go down!
It was nice to see a relatively happy John Locke in the alternate timeline, even if that happiness came at the cost of losing his most dominant character trait (or flaw?): His willingness to believe, no matter what. Giving up hope for a miracle is what allows him to accept his lot in life and to truly be happy. I was so glad to see him still with Helen. Locke's relationship with his father is clearly different in this 2004: Not only does he not have an obsession with his father that would drive Helen away, but she actually mentions inviting him to their wedding! If that's the case, how did Locke become paralyzed in this 2004? And why these particular differences? Are they randomly chosen, or are they important? Gah!

Loved seeing Hurley and Rose, but I was downright delighted to see Ben Linus as the European History teacher in Locke's alternate timeline. His bitchy fussing over the coffee pot and his geeky politeness in welcoming John was perfection. His eulogy for John in 2007 was also perfection, so I will let it stand on its own:
”John Locke was a… believer. He was a man of faith. He was a much better man than I will ever be, and I’m very sorry I murdered him.”
The crazy thing is, I really do think he's sorry. The little bugger couldn't help himself, though, and lied to Ilana about killing Jacob. I've got a feeling he's going to regret that, and soon.

I got a very strong "eat from the tree of knowledge" vibe during the conversation between Sawyer and MIBLocke, when MIBLocke told him to come with him and he would give him answers. Did you?
Boy, Sawyer sure did get REALLY dirty, REALLY fast, huh? It looked he hadn't even bothered to get up off the floor to go to the bathroom. Ew. Thank God he cleaned up and changed into the next generation of The Blue Shirt of Hotness. Desmond would approve.
Sawyer's anger and grief have made him vulnerable and when he chose to leave the Island with MIBLocke, even though he KNEW Locke was not who he was really talking to, all I could imagine in my head is the old knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade saying, "He chose...poorly."
Oh, and speaking of Sawyer, does anyone else think he looks slightly different this season, like maybe he got his teeth done or something?
The cave, the cave, the cave. Black and white stones, like the black and white stones in the hands of the Adam and Eve couple found in the caves way back in season 1, and like the black and white game pieces in backgammon, the game that Walt and John Locke used to play together. And, of course, Jacob's main list, the names and numbers of the "candidates" that he scrawled on the walls of the cave:
4 - Locke
8 - Reyes
15 - Ford
16 - Jarrah
23 - Shepard
42 - Kwon
It was a great scene, seeing the numbers associated with the names like that. But where is Kate's name? Was she never a candidate?
I guess I found the time to say a lot, didn't I? Fantastic episode.