(a play on the previous episode title "What Kate Did")
So, a Kate episode. Never among my favorites, they are almost always interchangeable and usually boring. This one was made better by placing the same old story within the deepening mystery, and I think once we know more this episode will stand up better; but for right now, I think it was just OK.
At first I found it difficult to believe that Claire would not only accept a ride from the woman who highjacked her taxi and put a gun in her face, but also give that same woman her credit card; but then it occurred to me that those things become more likely if we assume that everyone in the new 2004 timeline is being affected by some sort of "memory" of the Island timeline, and because of that Claire and Kate trust each other even though they shouldn't.
Speaking of the 2004 timeline, Claire's ultrasound gives us the first confirmation that it takes place in 2004. However, it's a month later, on October 22. What does that mean?!
I was very happy to see the return of the "infection", especially in reference, somewhat obliquely, to Rousseau. Someone on another site pointed out that Claire disappeared the day after Rousseau died. Perhaps Claire died and was "occupied" by Rousseau? She did make those traps and apparently she is now a crack shot. Sounds like Rousseau to me. There's also a nice parallel between their two stories: Both pregnant women who crash on the Island, give birth and are separated from their child in some way. Interesting.
I'm not sure what the heck is up with Sayid, but he is definitely not the same. Did anyone else notice the slight difference in his accent? It's much more like Naveen Andrews' British accent now. Wait a minute. Who else died just before Sayid, besides Jacob? Juliet! Oh man, that's just too weird, even for this show!
I wonder what Sayid would have had to do to pass Dogen's "test"? He screams in horror and pain when being tortured, so he is infected? How would an uninfected person react?
Jack is so much less annoying this season. Perhaps the annoying Jack got split off into the 2004 timeline! Yeah, that's it! He's not as obstinate, or thick-headed or asshole-ish - he's more laid back, focused, asking the right questions, and he's looking really good, too. I really liked the scenes between him and Dogen.
Another good thing from this episode: Jin has begun his search for Sun. I cannot wait for the reunion!
The best part of the episode, though, was Sawyer and his heartbreaking grief for the loss of Juliet, who he truly loved. The scene on the dock should be submitted at Emmy time. He's reverting back to his solitary, self-loathing ways. While he has good reason for it, I hope it doesn't last.
I feel more confident after this episode that they are not going to try to put Sawyer and Kate together, at least not right away. I think Kate was crying on the dock for few reasons: 1) Sawyer's heart belonged to another; 2) He wouldn't be helping her to find Claire and 3) I think mostly she was feeling bad about coming back to the Island, and how everything got shot to hell when they did.
So what did you think about the episode?
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