
Fringe Winter Finale: When Universes Collide

Last night's "winter finale" episode, Jacksonville, was one of the best episodes so far, I think. From the freaky and gruesome opener to the heart-breaking end, I was totally riveted. The look on Olivia's face when she saw the glimmer around Peter was so sad. I knew what was coming, but that didn't lessen the impact of the scene, especially the look she gave Walter when he said, "Please don't tell him."

Now, while it was a good episode, I did have one problem with it: The kiss scene. I am not ashamed to say that I absolutely 'ship Peter and Olivia, and I've been hoping that the writers would eventually take them in that direction. However, the aborted kiss seemed to come out of nowhere. I have been a fan of some ridiculously long and angsty build-ups and UST-filled relationships on TV, and this one was nowhere near the kissing point, imo. The scene really wasn't earned. Peter and Olivia seemed more like brother and sister than possible romantic partners up to this point. They should have done a better job of building up to it.

Anyway, I can overlook that, especially since it looks like they probably won't be consummating that kiss any time soon.


Anonymous said...

LOVED the episode! I agree...the end was heart-breaking, even though I could see it coming. Walter's plea made it even more so. Can't wait to see where they're going from here...so sad to have to wait for it.


gina said...

I feel the same way, Hol. I can't wait for the show to come back so we can see what happens next, and I don't want to see what happens next! lol