I read Mo Ryan's wonderful 3-part interview with Lindelof and Cuse, and what they said about how the show is really mostly about character, and how the mysteries are secondary, well, it really is so true. I had seen every episode at least twice *before* I began this rewatch, yet I still cried when characters died, when they were born, when they left, when they were re-united. And because of that, I have great faith that no matter how the mysteries are or aren't resolved, I am going to be enthralled by this final season. I can't wait!
I will be re-capping all of the episodes this season, so please check back. They may not all be complete, straight up recaps, but I promise I will post something for every episode. Unfortunately, the task of making rewatch notes fell to the wayside as the pressure mounted to finish and I just didn't have the time to post much. I did continue to post #TheGreatLOSTRewatch updates at Facebook and Twitter,however, and I'll share them here once I finish.
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