Is it my imagination or does this show just keep getting better and better? There was almost more plot crammed into this episode than a mind can absorb! My God, where to start...
How about with the fact that Simone is really dead! Yay! And the psych-out was so cool, with a new hero, Candace, using her shape/reality-shifting power to fool the police into thinking Simone was still alive. It wasn't until at least halfway through the show last night, though, that I realized that Candace was different than Hana, the wireless computer girl. I was so confused!
I was gobsmacked when Mrs. Bennett told Mr. Bennett that she was just pretending to have forgotten what happened! I wonder what's happened to her - do you think she was just out and about with Mr. Muggles when Candace took her place, or do you think the Company has her? I hope they haven't killed her- she's just beginning to get interesting.
The flawed Nathan has been secretly working with the FBI to bring Linderman down (good!), but just a whiff of the "White House" and the vice-presidency and he lets his chance to take Linderman down pass him by (bad!). That's what I love about him, that he's good and bad. And that he's cute.
Oh, and his mother! Mrs. Petrelli, as it turns out, is who the Haitian has been taking his orders from to protect Claire! Is she evil? Is she in cahoots with Linderman, or the Company? Whatever she is, she's known what's been going on all along.
Speaking of Linderman, his face was finally revealed last night and it belonged to Malcolm McDowell. Perfect. And he had my favorite line: "Now you can't have any of my pot pie."
Hiro finally got Kensei's sword, Ando returned (yay!) and they teleported to New York, in the future and post-nuclear explosion. And, interestingly enough, they materialized on the roof of Deveaux's building. What's so important about that building? Did anyone else notice the skyscraper that was under construction? If I saw what I saw, then Hiro and Ando arrived in New York quite a bit of time after the blast.
Here's a question: who was that in Isaac's painting? Isaac?
I was so happy that Mohinder finally figured out who Sylar was and that he actually shot him. Or shot at him. A lot of good it did him, though, now that he's been nailed to the ceiling. I think it's safe to assume that Peter will survive (now we know how he gets his scar that Hiro mentioned); but I wonder how he will handle being so close to someone with so many powers? At the very least, he will be able to see better now that he won't have his stupid hair hanging in his eyes!
Nikki/DL/Micah...just not all that interesting to me right now.
OK, so, the show's heading into a 7 week hiatus (returning on April 23), leaving us with cliffhanger overload:
Mohinder's nailed to ceiling while Sylar is cutting open Peter's head
Thompson and The Company have come for Mr. Bennett
Nikki is unconscious in Nathan's hotel room
Ted and Parkman are still being held by The Company
Claire is in New York, hiding from The Company with her newly discovered grandmother
Nathan seems to have fallen under Linderman's spell
Hiro and Ando are in FutureNewYork
Simone is still dead!
I thought it might have been Peter in the new painting.
And that wasn't Mrs. Bennet that told Mr. Bennet she remembered - it was the shapeshifting Candace girl. I can't believe he would fall for that, after the number of times he has wiped her memory in the past. I don't know where the real Mrs was, maybe they called her to the school about the son or something. I don't think she is dead, but you never know.
I was also very happy that Mohinder finally figured out who Sylar was, although the show reminded me of old Batman episodes. The bad guy has Batman, but talks so much that Batman escapes from the trap. I was surprised that Sylar could hurt Peter, what will all his powers. We'll see where that ends up...
In 7 weeks! Oh well, at least Lost is back on. If they were on hiatus at the same time, with this wicked cold weather, ack. I shudder at the thought.
I love Ando, I am so glad he is back!!
See, I thought that the first scene between the Bennetts was real, that she was the real Mrs. B., especially since she gave him the note in his own handwriting. Also, I liked that scene very much and it would be a bummer if it wasn't real.
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