I was surprised by how much I loved last night's episode! No great mysteries were answered, no new puzzles were introduced, there was almost no suspense, no one died, no one saved anyone's life, there was no big cliffhanger...pretty much NOTHING happened. Yet I loved it. Huh.
I loved how Sawyer was an actual human being, sweet and funny and not a caricature of himself. Unlike the scenes they had together last week, I thought the "Little House" scene between Kate and Sawyer was awesome, really well done. But I don't understand what it is that Kate needs him to apologize for - can anyone tell me? And speaking of Kate, I really noticed last night that Evangeline Lilly is no longer wearing makeup (and I don't think she's plucking her eyebrows, either), and I think that adds a little reality to the situation.
I loved seeing everyone on the beach again...Sun and Jin! I remember them! Sayid! Locke! Oh, and Desmond was just burning up the screen for the 30 seconds that they showed him. Well, in my eyes he was.
I loved how they were all actually talking to each other and not suspicious of or accusing one another of some perceived slight. They acted not only as if they knew each other but also as if they actually liked each other. How refreshing.
It was fluff, but it was cheerful, sweet fluff that made me smile and love this show again.
Just testing to see if comments work yet...
I'm wondering what's going on with comments, too...
Still checking comments. The word verification image isn't coming up, either...
I think they're working now!
Yay!! Ok, I enjoyed this week, even though not much happened. I didn't care for the Hurley flashback too much, but all the scenes with the van and the beer were great! And why the heck is Kate in such a rush to go for Jack? Jeepers!
Looking forward to Heroes tonight. OMG, I think my comment was lost last week, but wasn't that episode AWESOME??? It was nice to see the Dad had a heart in there somewhere.
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